"Its Time"

Shot this miniature Bigfoot in the garden
So....went for a walk with my girlfriend last nite at about 930pm...saw a few airplanes flashing and flying slowly in the sky....saw a half dozen satellites buzzing around also......but then I noticed something that I have no idea what inthehell it was......
A long string of objects flying way faster than planes or satellites.....flying in a 'straight line'...one behind the other....
Never saw the start of the objects but got to see the last several dozen....so I would guess that before they left my sight that I must have seen 60+ objects haulingass across the sky.....at least....never have I seen anything like it before....
I have no clue as to what they were.....I've seen plenty of shooting stars..these were not a shooting star.......
Like I said....these things were in a straight line...one after the other...none were side by side..........
My girlfriend was at a loss too....she's an educated lady....this left her dumbfounded.......
Last nite....in Idaho Falls...objects were directly south....on a east/southeast fight path......
Well....could have hoped they were missiles heading to DC.....drain the swamp.......
I guess that is the culprit....

'past) 9:29 pm, 23 Aug 2022
Starlink-55 (G4-27) (new), DIM (2.3) for 4 mins
Look from NORTHWEST to SOUTH (details)
Elevation (from horizon): start: 10°, max: 52°, end: 32°'
Time for a revision....
Anybody see any oddities in the woods this past season....
One oddity I see each day is a few 1000 head of elk just north out of pocatello....winter grazing ranch land...a few splattered on the highway....guess it's to much trouble to slow down from 80mph when there's an elk in front of your vehicle......
Rich..not to burst your bubble on your religion...but i am Catholic..been ripped off by "Christians" and LDS people..
But as a Catholic my one fundamental is my Mom brought me into this world..and if I ever did wrong to someone on her watch.."She can take me out of this world"...religion to me is the bond of a family..mine starts and ends at my Mom...

There are of course tales of 6 finger and toed giants..skeltins found on NV..and tale of a marine troop wiped out by something simular in Afghanistan mountains...now bring covered up...maybe ask the rescue team that lost a trooper and killed the red haired grey colored man....its on YouTube..
I have a friend with 6 toes on one of his feet. Suppose he's related ?

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