With copper shortage and last lead plant being closed we will be facing ammo and reloading supply shortage a while .


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2003
Madison ,ga
I just learned the last lead smelting plant got closed down Sept 6 so they are trying to do away with it all together .Copper is having a shortage from less water to mines and what they use for coins .They are going to make it impossible to make ammo ! I cast my own bullets alot and am trying to get as much as I can now . Its getting so expensive to reload from powder and primers that it's impossible for new reloaders to even try to start now .I try to help people with brass but even that is super expensive now .I didn't like when vista became the largest ammo maker they own almost everthing now and it's easy for them to set the price of shooting supplies .I hope older shooters help younger ones to set up for reloading .
That's part of the reason I mostly shoot at the range. That copper and lead is way more recoverable than it being out in the hills :( I wish it weren't the case!
There are zillions of gas powered vehicles on our hi-ways, almost all of which use lead-acid batteries & hopefully recycling efforts will sustain lead supplies. Should our nation be in an extremely desperate situation, there are extensive galena (lead sulfide, PbS) deposits in Missouri that could be exploited. Hate to see salvaged lead shipped to China for recycling & then returned to USA.
I have those who ask me to sell them some of my supplies, & at last years prices. Problem is I can't replace these supplies even at todays inflated prices. What are prices going to look like next year at this time ?
I've been helping friends and people on the forum who need a little something in the way of reloading components so they can keep going. But this shortage doesn't look like the end is in sight and it's been going on for a year and a half. So I'm thinking I'm gonna have to hunker down and hope I can keep shooting.
There are zillions of gas powered vehicles on our hi-ways, almost all of which use lead-acid batteries & hopefully recycling efforts will sustain lead supplies. Should our nation be in an extremely desperate situation, there are extensive galena (lead sulfide, PbS) deposits in Missouri that could be exploited. Hate to see salvaged lead shipped to China for recycling & then returned to USA.
CHINA has bought up most al of the mining quarries in the USA and other countries over the years. The mining Companies have names that seem they are American, but are owned by Chinese Companies.
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To all There is a whole lot of copper out there in unused copper cable . there is also ton of old lead in older telephone cable { the lead sheath is very hard but the lead for closing cable makes good musket balls. IF you know someone working for a telephone company ASK THEM WHEN THEY ARE GOING TO BE REMOVING OLD CABLES or check metal salvage companies .
California and Washington I believe already have a copper ban on the books, noting it was polluting the water supply, regarding brake pads at the moment if I remember correctly.

Wouldn't expect to be using copper for bullets legally for long either if you live out there...
California and Washington I believe already have a copper ban on the books, noting it was polluting the water supply, regarding brake pads at the moment if I remember correctly.

Wouldn't expect to be using copper for bullets legally for long either if you live out there...

California will have plastic bullets to go along with plastic straws.