Why no bonded version of the ELD-X?

The ELD-X has made quite a splash. Weight retention seems to be the only issue, especially at higher velocities. I have to believe they had a good reason for not bonding it. Can someone smart than I, educate me as to why that might be?

I know this is nearly a year old post but have you considered addressing your queries/concerns directly to the bullet manufacturers? We all have opinions/speculations/perceptions/WAGS, etc., ... but they are the only ones that have the real answers, whether we like it or not. When in doubt go directly to the source. Cheers!
Norma claimed to have solved this problem with their new Bondstrike range.
G1 of 0.629 in 143gr 6.5mm; G1 of 0.615 in 180gr .308 calibre.
It's factory loaded in a range of those two calibres.
Anybody tried it??
Norma claimed to have solved this problem with their new Bondstrike range.
G1 of 0.629 in 143gr 6.5mm; G1 of 0.615 in 180gr .308 calibre.
It's factory loaded in a range of those two calibres.
Anybody tried it??

My 300 WSM likes the Bondstrike ammo. 4 shots into less than an inch at 100 yds. I need to do more shooting with it and run it over the chrono in extended testing. I bought it because the loaded ammo wasn't much more expensive than just the brass. I won't test it on anything until maybe next October though.
I have to say I'm a recent convert to the ABs and am very happy with their performance sub 400. In terms of "long range" hunting I have not had a chance to test them yet.
I know I tried 147 eldm's and 129 accubond lr in my 6.5 ctr and the 147 shot every load between .3-.6 moa and the accubond shot 1-1.5 moa. That made up my mind real quick. Although we just got another 6.5 I wanna run the 129's through here sometime over winter.
It wouldn't expand as well at lower velocities ....since it is touted as a long range bullet it needs to expand at lower velocities.
If you want bonded, they sell the interbond
The problem is they themselves are pushing new fast cartridges so now even 300 yards is too close for these bullets. Maybe a 308 or 6.5 creed these bullets are great but now with 6.5prc, 300prc, 28/30noslers etc being more and more norm along with the old fast classics (300 win mag, 7mm rem mag, ultra mags etc), they need a bonded long range bullet in my opinion.
my experience with the eldx has been similar to most. Sample size 1 animal, two shot. 200gr factory ammo from a 300 win at about 40 yards. Both bullets grenaded on impact. Second shot broke the neck and killed the hog but didn't exit. Since CA is lead free now, that reduces options but I've never caught a Barnes/hammer. They've all passed through.
There is no free lunch when it comes to physics. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Make a bullet soft enough to expand at long range it's going to have issues. Just pick your shots carefully. The Accubond is one of my favorites but it's about done at 1800 fps. However with 7mag 160 at 2975 fps that will get you to 700 yds at sea level and 800-900 depending on your elevation. I would think that would get prettly close to max range for most folks. Most but not all.
Shot a cow couple weeks ago with the 210 ABLR from my 300 rum at 250yards. She was broadside on the first shot, put a second in her while she was quartering away. Entered posterior left ribs, traversed the chest cavity, broke the right shoulder bone in the thickest part and exited neck./chest area. No notable exit wound or blood from that shot. First shot left great blood, snow always helps, maybe exaggerates it some? She went 50 yards and went down. Wouldn't hesitate to use them again. But will try the AB 200 next year or Barnes LRX 200 for further terminal ballistic research. Living in Griz and elk country, I prefer bonded or mono bullets, and won't be shooting past 600 yards for hunting. looks like approx. impact velocities of 2800ft/s and 3700ft/lbs of energy. Went back the next day with a sled, bear took half my elk. Hopefully will have some terminal data on bears soon too !


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I have shot About 20 animalsk this year with norma bondstrike 143gr, out of a 6,5-284. 885m/s.
Distances from 30meters to 510meters.

good effect, and IT holds together.

G1 BC is About 0.58.
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