Cleaning bolt action


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2012
I have all Dewey rods and use Possum Hole Bore guides.

What do you all clean your action and lugs with? I have not done well at cleaning this area.

Thanks all,
Everyone should have WD 40 around the house and it makes a good safe cleaner for these areas. It has some lubricating abilities and will not harm and materials. The carrier has cleaning abilities (It was designed to clean rocket parts) and with protection agents it prevents moisture from forming on parts.

After cleaning the bore I place the muzzle down and wash the bolt lug and the chamber area with WD 40, let it drain while i am washing the bolt off with it. them wipe everything off and swab the chamber with a cotton swab and a few patches and then apply a light coating of oil to everything that the solvent may have came in contact with.

There are other cleaners, but they may have products in them that can/may harm some materials.

Are you using a chamber mop or what are you using to get in those areas to clean? I currently only have Dewey coated rods with dozens of nylon brushes and cleaning patch jags.

Thank you Sir!
I like that idea Jerry! I've used it for a lot of things but never thought of that. I found out by accident when I was doing a lot of tree climbing that it dissolves pine pitch like a dream. Don't spray it on your camp cook gear though. My buddy did that and buried it to use on his pack trip the next year. A bear dug it up and bit holes through everything. It has fish oil in it:D:D
I use Dewey rods, cotton flannel patches, Butches Bore cleaner and gun oil. I use a bore guide at all times pushing the patches towards the muzzle. As far as the bolt and action I use the same technique after I remove the bolt. The last thing I do after using the bore solvent is to wipe it all down with dry patches before I put a light coating of oil. I let that set for a couple hours and then I use a few dry cotton flannel patches to remove the excess. Every 100 rounds or so I add in the first step of using bore copper remover and then after a signs of copper is removed I clean it again like a normal cleaning. Keep that WD 40 off all the bolts and nuts you want to stay tight.
Okay, but what are you all using to clean the action? A cleaning jag won't do anything and I cannot get my fingers in there to do anything of any substantial good.
Are you using a chamber mop or what are you using to get in those areas to clean? I currently only have Dewey coated rods with dozens of nylon brushes and cleaning patch jags.

Thank you Sir!

Yes. I like to use a chamber or shotgun mop to clean these areas depending on cartridge size.

Everyone should have WD 40 around the house and it makes a good safe cleaner for these areas. It has some lubricating abilities and will not harm and materials. The carrier has cleaning abilities (It was designed to clean rocket parts) and with protection agents it prevents moisture from forming on parts.

After cleaning the bore I place the muzzle down and wash the bolt lug and the chamber area with WD 40, let it drain while i am washing the bolt off with it. them wipe everything off and swab the chamber with a cotton swab and a few patches and then apply a light coating of oil to everything that the solvent may have came in contact with.

There are other cleaners, but they may have products in them that can/may harm some materials.


What about Brake Cleaner/Degreaser?
Okay, but what are you all using to clean the action? A cleaning jag won't do anything and I cannot get my fingers in there to do anything of any substantial good.
Old tooth brush dipped in Hoppes number 9. Clean inside action and all around trigger group, recoil lug etc. Use an Otis or Tipton lug cleaner with Hoppes on a cotton plugs to clean the bolt lug area in the action. Have been using that method for 45 years. Still does the best job unless you completely disassemble everything. Inside of bolt I clean with Hoppes and reassemble with only that for lube because at -40 any oil is NOT good.

I can never get into the recesses good...
Any tips?

Have you tried the ones I already posted? Plus it is simple to heat the handle of a tooth brush and bend it whatever angle makes getting into a spot easier.
Wd-40 and a air nozzle will get everything clean. About the only thing I buy at gun shows is various chamber mops and brushes for cleaning.
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