Graf & Sons service


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2009
Big Horn Basin, Wyoming
So I ordered 220 pieces (11 bags) of bertram 338 RUM brass they came in and about a week later I got to looking at the bags and some looked annealed and others didnt, so I opened the bags and noticed I had mixed head stamps. some was bertram and some was HSM 3 of the bags were all right the other 8 had anywhere from 1-7 pieces of HSM. So I called Grafs and the lady I talked to said "Oh its no big deal Bertram makes that too its the same brass, just use it and itll be fine" I said "um actually it is a big deal I ordered bertram brass and got mixed head stamp." well she finally said she would replace the 27 pieces of hsm with bertram and I would have to send the hsm back. 2 weeks later I get the brass and an invoice saying they charged my card for the 27 pieces and would credit it back when I returned the other stuff. So I called back in a Huff and expressed my feelings on this and told them that they have no right to hold my money hostage until they get the brass back from me that I never ask for in the first place. and that I will not be paying to send their brass back. I told him to send me a prepaid envelope and credit my card back immediatley. He said "ok fine, thanks" and hung up.. this was a week ago and I have yet to see any action on their part. I am less than impressed with the product and the service afterwords. I probably wont be doing business there again.
my last order was the same thing. was told that was the way they received them and they were the same brass. I weighed them and checked capacity and measured neck thickness both brass were within margin of error. shot both out to 200 yards same velocity and point of impact. their service was good to me. hope things work out
So mixed head stamp wouldn't bother you even if they were for a $4k custom you were building? Maybe I'm a bit anal but to me it's unacceptable especially when I paid for "Bertram brass" not mixed head stamp by same manufacturer.
So it's not cool for them to hold your money hostage but it's OK to not send back the brass you want exchanged, don't really understand why you'd expect them to just float you free brass, I would have been happy they were willing to sort brass from the manufacture for me.
same thing happened to me mike with graff n are not being too shd get what you paid for.graff asking for you to pay return shipping is upsurd.
So it's not cool for them to hold your money hostage but it's OK to not send back the brass you want exchanged, don't really understand why you'd expect them to just float you free brass, I would have been happy they were willing to sort brass from the manufacture for me.

Well I didn't ask them to send me HSM brass so why should I have to let them hold my money while they fix their screw up. If I'm going to shoot mixed head stamp I'll shoot what I find at the range. I have no problem sending their brass back but I'm not paying a dime to fix their mistake. Not to mention They even said it was a mistake before they tried to down play it. i didn't ask anyone for anything free.
I order the majority of my shooting and reloading items from Grafs, and have had nothing but excellent service so far.
Well the two different headstamps are pretty much ensuring that the brass is from different lots. If that matters. Also seems that they are selling bulk brass, so none of it is probably from the same lot, same headstamp or not.

I would not have liked being surprised by mixed headstamp either. They should note that in their advertising. Maybe after meeting Mike they will. :D
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