Your going your hunt of a lifetome what are you hunting and what rifle are you using ? Mine is easy

Had my own lease for years, hunted on King Ranch a few times, I have my own little place where I can harvest one or two deer a year. One doe one buck. I am the only one eating venison now, so I usually get a doe. But is not a hunt, its a harvest, shots 90 yards or less, I take my 243 or my 270. Nothing more

Use and enjoy your H&H….I strongly suspect that you’ll lose less meat with equally placed shots than with the 243 or 270!

You may be pleasantly surprised and as a plus get to do some hunting with your H&H. memtb
Believe this one or not but I would love to hunt one mastodon .I majored in Zoology in college and classes told us they were working back in tje mid 1980s to clone mastodon .I just saw a show about it on the discovery Channel so I bet they have cloned them .It was in Sibera where excellent mastodon habitat use to be .I would take my 416 rem mag for that probably the new weatheyby V that someone built and Barnes 400 gr bronze solids and a Japanese Nikon 3x9 scope .I am will to bet they have some somewhere they have cloned tons of different animals. I do want to hunt muskox too .I backed out on a commercial operation on baffin Island in North West territories once .I couldn't find anyone else to go needed a skinner. I would rather just shoot one than the 160 that commercial hunt wanted me to .I bet when they bring back Mastadons they won't let us hunt them
I sure didn't expect all the reactions to my original post about my dream hunt is with my kids. I wish I would have expanded on it a little more. A hunt I can afford to take 3 of us on without spending half my retirement. I don't have time to scout public land and obviously would like to be successful, it's not easy! Especially trying to manage 3 schedules and getting tags. That's my dream. Someday 🤞
It's all about economics. Yes, guided hunts in Texas cost money. But, an out of state license is only $315 and includes white tail and mule deer tags. No points, no drawings. So, you can easly schedule your hunt. Is it worthwhile to save for a known outcome, or take your chances on luck?
It's all about economics. Yes, guided hunts in Texas cost money. But, an out of state license is only $315 and includes white tail and mule deer tags. No points, no drawings. So, you can easly schedule your hunt. Is it worthwhile to save for a known outcome, or take your chances on luck?
It's about Bidenomics to get there tho. Here I go derailing a thread... 🙄
Don't reply !
My dream hunt is going to happen again hopefully next year .I am going back to alaska where I lived 12 years I was made for that place .I want to hunt moose again and use my 348-378 weathetby accumsrk that was made for wrathetby by Seco in Maine. THAT rifle has shot some .25 groups at 100 yards and 1 inch at 300 yards .I might change my scope but we will see it has a Nikon 6x20 Japanese scope on it but these days I need a 50 mm scope .I have a new 6x24 x50 Nikon 30 mm x50 mm scope that's awesome. I GOTTA get back up there before I get too old .I hope all of yall get to go on your dream hunts too .
If you're gonna dream, dream big!! Marco polo sheep and Ibex with my Winchester chambered in 30 Nosler!!
I may be removed for this, but down deep some of y’all might agree…how about a hunting stand on a border property whose owner is fed up with “traffic issues”, property damage, and just plain old-fashioned fear from the coyote’s perpetually climbing or cutting through the big fence for human or drug trafficking. Call it “community service” varmint control.
I may be removed for this, but down deep some of y'all might agree…how about a hunting stand on a border property whose owner is fed up with "traffic issues", property damage, and just plain old-fashioned fear from the coyote's perpetually climbing or cutting through the big fence for human or drug trafficking. Call it "community service" varmint control.

About 100,000 participants would be needed to be effective…..but counter to the desires of the present powers that be! It is deemed unacceptable to protect our Republic from enemies both foreign and domestic! memtb
Hope to draw a moose tag in Wa. state, already have sheep and Mt. goat and moose would finish my trifecta as all three are once in a lifetime tag. Gun of choice my custom 338 RUM. with 250 gr. Speer grand slams
Those speer grand slam bullets are awesome .My 338 win mag killed 7 moose with 7vshoys by a friend that borrowed my rifle. HE shot then from 15 yards to 350 yards all died thin there tracks .