I have my WAI set up with two pillar bedded stocks. A newer CDL wooden one for all around ( and warmer on my hands during late season cow hunts! I had traded it's Classic stock to my gunsmith for some work on a different project) and a Brown Precision High Country synthetic for early/wet and high country (of course! ha!). It's around 7.5# with this one. I keep a Leupold 1.5x5 on it. Shilen trigger. Longest shot I've made with this rifle was with the Barnes 200X at 347 lasered yds on a Black Wildebeast in South Africa. One and done. I too think elk should be hit hard, and often...keeps them out of those god awful canyons! I should add that I had this little rifle braked when I had a neck surgery (back in 2000, no not from recoil! ha) so I tape it to keep snow/mud out. I like this rifle/cartridge because it has less recoil than some lighter 338s I've had, shoots as flat as a couple 300 Winmags I had with 200gr, and kills like a .375 with factory loads...best of all worlds "to me". I have and use other rifles, this one is just my favorite, that's what I'm asking you guys. What is your favorite rifle for elk and what is it chambered in.