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  • I saw you mentioned .277 165gr ABLRs. They have blems at shooters pro shop. I bought 10 bags so it doesn’t appear to have a max??? Hope that helps!

    $55ish for 100.
    Ronald W Schaefer
    Thanks, I'm hooked up in the 165 ABLRs, but cannot find the 175 Sierra Tipped Game King. Anybody could hook me up would be my hero!
    Still looking for 257nRoberts brass? I have 5 boxes of unfired WW. 1 box is factory primed the others are totally bare. I also have some 22-250 if your interested. I'm in Denton, TX.
    Ronald W Schaefer
    Thanks to everyone who chimed in on the .257 Roberts brass--I got hooked up and was surprised by the robust response.
    Nice to see another South Texan on the forum. I'm originally from Pleasanton, class of '89. Some of my classmates stole your city limit sign for our homecoming bonfire my senior year. knocked down all of the road signs but one between Pleasanton and Floresville at the same time.
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