Anyone have any info on WY elk unit 100 they'd be willing to part with? Due to family issues unable to head that way this summer to scout - thought I'd see if anyone has any pointers or suggestions or watch outs, etc.
Open range area north of Rock Springs lots of BLM stay on dirt roads, especially if it gets wet EVERYTHING turns to muck...find high vantage point and spot and stalk, mornings and evenings elk tend to move more... good luck, don't over think it...timing has more to do with it, give yourself a few days prior to hunting to scout.. opening day pressure will move them miles... the picture was taken south of your area but not even 2 miles south of your area...
Dangerous question then... If you had 10 days to hunt do you hunt the 1st 10 days (pattern but know opening day changes things) or 2nd 10 days (gives them an opportunity to "settle").