WTB a Big ***

After a mega amount of searching. . .

Made the jump, so to speak :D

15hh 15 year old estimated 1000 pound heavy boned mammoth jack.

This dude is the lowest keyed animal I've ever come across.

Has some hang ups such as won't pasture breed mares. Won't even bother a mare in the pasture. Makes no diff to me as I ain't planning on making mules.

However the mules he has made have been good and large, depending on the mare.

Getting on this guy won't be a chore. Getting him to move his feet may well be. :)

Gonna be fun. . . I think :rolleyes:
Neither can I. Probably reads something like.....

We moved about 10 feet.... all day...:)

I need a 5 gallon bucket to mount my 17HH Standarcbred Belgian mare. She moves real well, but stubborn as hell.
Went saddle shopping this morning. B-B Leather in town is the goto place for anything equine and a nice visit.

Learned that an equine is an equine horse/mule/donk...

And a saddle is a saddle as long as it fits, in my case, both asses.:)

Have a B-B made used saddle for only 250 more than the donk. Similar to a factory rifle and scope deal. :rolleyes:

Picken him up in 2 weeks. Was told he loads good. Yeah, I bet!gun)

Will be building fence for the next couple of days. Donk won't be a prob, it's those **** goats. Learned, the taller the goat the taller the fence. The big one jumps up on a 5' rail then launches from there. Ain't nothin like getting half way back to the house and finding a goats nose in your pocket. . .
I'd give up a months salary to see your first 1970's hippie type pack string with asses, goats and whatever lined out and heading up the trail. You gotta take a dog or two with you in that first trip to round everything out :) Maybe you need a couple of llama's to add to your herd.

PS: you gotta post a picture or two of this fine equine when you get him home. Not sure what my pack string's reaction would be if we came around a corner and met head
on with your bunch lightbulb:)
Trying to talk the wife into moving in next to Roy.. We would have front row seats to the greatest show on earth, and I'm not talking about the Ringling Brother's....
I'd give up a months salary to see your first 1970's hippie type pack string with asses, goats and whatever lined out and heading up the trail.

Should need a permit for a parade like that:D

Goats are difficult to corral to say the least.
I've one question...if I may. Why has this thread not been turned into a reality show for next TV ratings season? One would thing HBO or one of the networks would be screaming for this stuff!:D
Paid for and hauled the mammoth jack home this afternoon. Snowed continuously for the 279 mile round trip.

First time "Flash" ever loaded in a 2 horse trailer. Went right in! Then I paid for him.:)
He is used to riding in large stock trailers. Not a prob until it came time to unload. It was apparent that he was used to turning and coming out front first. He didn't like that rear foot stepping of onto nothing.

Not a prob-removed the divider and out he came. Looks like I'm going to be easy for him to train me. :rolleyes:

He doesn't look it but he measures right at 60" which is 15 hands. He may well go real close to 1000 pounds.

Stopped by the saddle makers and it was confirmed that he has good back. Withers are better than some horses. The tree fit him perfectly.

Will post some pics. Hope the background is pretty cause the donk sure isn't.:D
I just hope the pictures aren't from the ground up.

Any day spent with horses/mules, donkeys that ends without dirt on the seat of your pants is a good one.

Be safe out there, this story line has room to grow yet.
Looks like I'm going to be easy for him to train me. :rolleyes:

Just remember:

Foot in the stirrup, saddle on the horn, toughest **** cowboy that ever was born. Jumped in the saddle, spurred him in the guts, he chit green apples and cigarette butts.

Roy: I may just need to come to Idaho to see your first parade :rolleyes:
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