Woohoo, I earned my stupid badge today...

non functioning digits are stupid at the moment of truth, absolutely....

I've been wearing thinsulate shooting gloves this season. If it's really cold and I'm not moving, I'll wear woolen mittens over them. The mitts come off quick and the digits are warm and flexible.

One of my party has a double glove that fits a handwarmer thats pretty neat.

I've heard but haven't tried pantyhose under hunting clothes. I hear they work well but I don't have the guts to wear them, let alone buy a pair..........:D

Besodes, the call of nature in pantyhose could be embarrassing.....
I just wear this set of snap on gloves that have little silicone finger pads and a set of mits over them the have the cap deal you can take off the uncovers the finger tips. Not super tacticool but effective.
Ever held onto a charged case with the same hand you reach into a box of bullets with?
Yep. I thought I hered powder fall out on the bench, but upon inspection of the bench, there was no powder. Hmmm must've been imagining things....
I changed tactics just incase, by holding the charged case in my right hand, while grabbing bullets to seat with my left hand.
It wasn't untill I got down to the bottom of the bullet box that I noticed some powder......
Now wich one was it again.... They all look the same....:D

So I narrowed it down to one of three cases it could've been, then grabbed the ones on each side to be safe. I figured I'd have to pull bullets, but then it dawned on me that I could weigh the spilled powder to see if it was still safe. Sure enough 4.1 grains lighter is about 300 fps slower, according to my load book, & still not in danger of being too light of a charge.
Needless to say p.o.i. was about 9" lower:D

Nother lesson learned, & another stupid badge to hang on the wall:D
yep panty hose work to keep you warm....call me what you want im WARM ,lol..i have also found if you buy the little heat packs you can put them on the backside of your hands to keep them warm plus they dont get in the way if you have to shoot..also you can drop them in your hunting boots to keep the foot warm..stay warm my friends
I like your stupid badges!!! I hope I get very few in my life by learning from yours. Lord knows I have my own collection on other things but I will try my hardest to avoid cold weather reloading and same hand grasping of bullets with a charged case!!
Thanks for the insight!!!!
I had a couple hundred feet of chain link fence to take down in my back yard. So I pull my 16 foot trailer into middle of the yard to load it as I take it down and roll it up. All the fence is down and I have this stack of pipes about 20 feet long that wont fit on the trailer without hanging off the back quite a ways so I figure I could lay one end of it on the trailer and the other on the ground. HMMMM standing on it and it wont bend, What to do?? Hey I know climb up on the trailer and jump on it. It was working great the pipe went to the ground with my 220 lbs of weight and a 5 foot jump down on to it. Never expected it to rebound and launch me back into the air. After a near perfect gainer I was laying flat on my back looking up at the clouds. My first thought was ... Hope no one saw that. I looked around and wow a feat like that and no one to see it. It was easy to explain my sore back to the wife as there was alot of fence to take down cuz there was no way I was telling the truth.
Well, as some of you know, I've been laid off a while. It SUCKED!
Anyway, I'm back to work now, but not in my former roll as an Asst. Superintendant, or a Foreman. Nope, this company wanted carpenters. I wanted work. So I figured id just tool up again, & put my baggs back on. How hard can it be right? It's like a mental vacation from all the job woes. All I gotta do is show up, do what I'm told, to the best of my ability, as fast as I can without complaint. Besides, its good excersize.
So, I spent most of my savings on re acquiring all the hand tools I once had, but seemed to have "donated" over the years as a "boss".
New 20 volt lithium screwgun, & impact, new framing square, new framing hammer..... with the nastiest waffle you've ever seen.... (ya, you know where this is goin')... Anyway thank God my Baggs & a few other tools had some signs of rough use, or I'd have been branded a rookie without much of a second glance I'm sure.
Anyway Monday rolled around & I hit the ground running. I wanted to earn my spot as one of the top dogs.
I wasn't at work for a full 2 hours before that waffle bit me. & it bit hard! My thumb nail is black & purple, + I blew the bottom out of it & blood squirted everyehere. But when I took a look at it, I noticed my thumb had company. My middle, & ring finger on the same hand had discoloured fingernails, & blood blisters instantly too. (I really hate braking in a new hammer!)
So to save face, & continue my task, I tried to ignore it. Wow that took some Serious ignoring!
To tie all this togather with LRH, I continued down the stupid path, of stupid badges. Yep, I was going for the platinum membership!
This weekend, I decided to load up a few rounds id spent the winter doing all my case prep on. I was kinda excited. I was seeing all the fruits of my labor paying off. While daydreaming about how superior my handloads would be this season, I misplaced my fingers while the RAM of my Hornady Lock-n-Load preceded to, well, CRUSH -for lack of any other propper term- the very same thumb that id re arranged with my new framing hammer!:rolleyes:
I don't expect all of you to fully comprehend this, but I know there's a bunch of us here who can.
Apparently Platinum is just a stepping stone on your way to Grand Pubah of stupid badges!
Sorry bout the lengthy story guys, but somebody, I'm sure, will benefit from my ignorance, even if only in laughter that there really is someone slightly worse off than them:D
I once spent the better part of an hour redneck engineering a homemade stuck case remover together to pull a .223 case out of a die with my FIL. If I remember correctly it had a 1/2" socket, tap, bolts and nuts etc. He has never owned a gun, but is a gear head. he was so impressed with my work he was grinning from ear to ear when the case came out and I looked up at him and grinned myself.

Until I saw the stuck case remover on the shelf just over his right shoulder that I had forgot I bought that summer.

We decided to just start drinking.
Winmag, oh I can feel your pain. Being I am a member of the hammer waffle w/ a side of blood and the" wow do the air nailers drive a framing nail through your hand like butter club" . But to pinch said thumb in press on top of it, is a whole new level I've yet to achieve. Yet, being the key word. And I to am a member of thumb between the die and the ram club. many times!

My last batch of ammo had 1 no charge cartridge, and 3 over charged cartridges, I must have been really tired. Oh well, lesson learned, check each shell with a flashlight to make sure there's powder, and recheck the zero on the scale every 5 rounds, and load 1 cartridge at a time, so there's never more than 1 shell to pour powder into
Ya know what, Coke tastes just as bad with Hornady One Shot floating arund on top. Harder to clean off the reloading bench after spraying it out ,too.:D

Got my stoopid badge that day. Midle of summer too. Got the portable a/c pointed into the reloading room and still 85 degrees in there, course it's 115 outside.

Been trying to picture just how a Stuck Case Remover works. Anyone care to enlighten me? I bored a stuck .338 Lapua case out of a Lee die and it was a time consuming and risky pain in the arse operation, but I didn't really care about that die all that much anyhow. Now that I have switched to a Forster, I wouldn't want to risk scarring that die.
I kind of like the challenge of figuring how to do stuff on my own (plus I am cheap and impatient about waiting for orders to arrive), so it feels good when I figured how to use collets in the spindle of my mill to pull bullets, BUT there comes a time.
Anyhow, back to the Case Remover....care to share?
Here ya go Bigbuck. Hope you got a good laugh...

As to how a stuck case remover works,
Drill & tap primer flash hole
Run collect up to base of die
Insert Allen screw into tapped hole & start crankin'.
It used leverage from collect & screw to base of shell holder.
Ya know what, Coke tastes just as bad with Hornady One Shot floating arund on top. Harder to clean off the reloading bench after spraying it out ,too.:D

Got my stoopid badge that day. Midle of summer too. Got the portable a/c pointed into the reloading room and still 85 degrees in there, course it's 115 outside.


Got a handle on the Coke tastes bad with One Shot on top, been there done that with Pepsi instead. Tastes just as bad.

Don't believe the ac has cycled off in my shop for at least a month now.... andm it's driet than a popcorn fart around here. If it's not irrigated, it's pismuckle brown, very unlike this area.

I haven't seen it this dry since the drought of 88.
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