A couple of years back I ran across two wolves that were tracking a couple does that were 30 minutes ahead of them. For about 30 seconds I thought it was all cool and everything to see wolves. I was finally able to pull my head out of my ***. Then I figured out what they were thinking as they were staring at me, "Can I eat that?" They figured probably not and wandered off after the deer. These wolves were about the same size and weight as the deer. Since that time I've run across grizzly as well. Keep in mind this is in Washington were we didn't have either when I was growing up. It didn't take me long to figure out that this isn't good. Both species bring NO BENEFIT but wolves are especially damaging to wildlife. They are only good for one thing and that is killing stuff. We don't need them to control game populations. I want that job and I want the wolves gone - ALL OF THEM. Come election time that is where my money/votes will be going.