wolves or no wolves

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pig ranch deadeye

Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2014
I was glad when wolves were listed as endangered because they were almost extinct in the lower 48. The wolves were brought back and nature is whole again. But now there are too many. I am glad there are a few, but enough is enough! Lets trim them back to numer in dozens, not the present overpopulation.
Unfortunately..the wishy washy like yourself....put them back on the grounds......maybe you should take all your yearly earnings and give to guys that are hunting and shooting the wolves
trappers.....and anyone who hits one with a vehicle.....
They will soon all be back on EL
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Wolves already existed in the "dozens" prior to releasing them in Yellowstone. They existed in sufficient numbers, and were repopulating the Rockies at a reasonable rate.

Endangered is a word that has been tossed around until it's lost it's meaning.
Apparently they have worked their way down all the way to Northern California.
Wolves already existed in the "dozens" prior to releasing them in Yellowstone. They existed in sufficient numbers, and were repopulating the Rockies at a reasonable rate.

Endangered is a word that has been tossed around until it's lost it's meaning.
It seems those wolves are gone now, now there are just the new wolves they introduced. Similar, but not the same from what I understand. I'm not 100% sure on this, it seems there is a bit of a back and forth on whether or not the "new" wolves are the same as the "native" wolves. We're pretty good at screwing things up when it comes to moving wild animals around.
No such thing as pristine, no such thing as balance in nature. These are all terms we labeled to nature. Fact is all predator prey population will go up and down over time. Question is today who gets to eat the animals. Humans or wolfs. Wolves aren't necessary since we control the balance. No need for wolves in today's world. I choose people over wolves! F&$@ the wolves!
No such thing as pristine, no such thing as balance in nature. These are all terms we labeled to nature. Fact is all predator prey population will go up and down over time. Question is today who gets to eat the animals. Humans or wolfs. Wolves aren't necessary since we control the balance. No need for wolves in today's world. I choose people over wolves! F&$@ the wolves!
I vote for more elk tags and fewer wolves. That would work for me. But I am not saying ZERO wolves.
Wolves are a part of the predator problem but not the whole. At least in Oregon I would place the blame on DFW for improper management of all large predators. And a lack of educational tools to provide people with the real facts on these predators. Another party at fault are us hunters not taking a more proactive roll in the political and educational arena. If the masses were better educated these reintroduction bills and hound bans would have been far harder to pass.
I live in "wolf central" McCall Idaho
I have seen firsthand the problems they have created with the elk. But the devastation on the moose population is absolutely terrible.
On November elk hunts north of McCall , pre wolf we would see 1-4 or 5 a day
But now I haven't seen a moose anywhere in about 6 years
Very sad. Moose should be on "endangered species list " here
It seems those wolves are gone now, now there are just the new wolves they introduced. Similar, but not the same from what I understand. I'm not 100% sure on this, it seems there is a bit of a back and forth on whether or not the "new" wolves are the same as the "native" wolves. We're pretty good at screwing things up when it comes to moving wild animals around.
I saw a wolf and two pups in 1979 just outside the east side Yellowstone. They were there and in sufficient numbers to reproduce. Now the giants they INTRODUCED from Canada have made our local ones extinct. Someone made a bunch of money and screwed all the rest of us.
But the devastation on the moose population is absolutely terrible.
On November elk hunts north of McCall , pre wolf we would see 1-4 or 5 a day
But now I haven't seen a moose anywhere in about 6 years
Very sad. Moose should be on "endangered species list " here
The moose go first.

We had world class moose here 10 years ago.

They're still selling tags. The thinking must be let the hunters shoot a few then we can blame them when the moos are 100% gone.
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