Wolves and Auto collisions

That was the stupidest headline in a stupid world I've seen in a bit. Moved the bar made me laugh.

We've been watching road kill here dwindle to nothing, at the same time game numbers dropped. Moose hits used to be common haven't heard of one of those in quite some time. Also instead of seeing numerous moose a day, it may be days before you see a moose. Number of days tag holders spend is rising exponentially.

Most female ungulates have been pushed into areas of low feed as a protective strategy. Limiting doe fawn ratios to unsustainable herd numbers.

About like asking Jake from State Farm what he's wearing in terms of useful information. We live in a time a happy face can be painted on anything.
This is what the State I love and hunt & fish nowhere else, because I don't have to, has become.
It's starting to get a little heated out here on this issue. And I'm just sayin', there could be mistakes in the hunting woods, when hunting coyotes. But you didn't here that from me. And in know way do advocate the senseless taking of wolves. #wolflivesmatter. Go out find a communist tree hugger and give them a big ole MAN HUG.
Here is one of the Mexican gray wolves being reintroduced into AZ and NM. I was shocked at the size, although not as large as a Timberwolf. This was a zoo in Prescott, AZ.
It's about 3x the size of our coyote and still a killer in every sense. If the numbers double again, we'll be in the 400 count range, then the doubling happens at a faster pace.
Now the activists/fed biologists want to do the same with the jaguar on the southern border.
I mean, let's go for the full Monty and start planting grizzly bear back in. Egads!


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Here is one of the Mexican gray wolves being reintroduced into AZ and NM. I was shocked at the size, although not as large as a Timberwolf. This was a zoo in Prescott, AZ.
It's about 3x the size of our coyote and still a killer in every sense. If the numbers double again, we'll be in the 400 count range, then the doubling happens at a faster pace.
Now the activists/fed biologists want to do the same with the jaguar on the southern border.
I mean, let's go for the full Monty and start planting grizzly bear back in. Egads!
Just remember, when you are quoting wolf numbers in your state, if you are using Dept. of wildlife's stated population numbers they never have any motivation to be honest about how many there really are.
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