Wolves and Auto collisions

Just remember, when you are quoting wolf numbers in your state, if you are using Dept. of wildlife's stated population numbers they never have any motivation to be honest about how many there really are.
So true about reporting numbers. In the early 80's there were Grizzlies around the Baker lake area of Wa. state. I hunted the area and came across a culvert trap with a 1/2 deer inside and cameras in the trees. But ask a game officer and they would tell you there were no Bears. Move foward 10's yrs and The Watson lakes had the same warning signs you see at Glacier Nat. Park puff now they are there.
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So true about reporting numbers. In the early 80's there were Grizzlies around the Bake lake area of Wa. state. I hunted the area and came across a culvert trap with a 1/2 deer inside and cameras in the trees. But ask a game officer and they would tell you there were no Bears. Move foward 10's yrs and The Watson lakes had the same warning signs you see at Glacier Nat. Park puff now they are there.
6 or 7 years ago me and my hunting partner were hunting in NE Oregon, at the time ODFW stated there were around 80 wolves in Oregon. He dumped a spike about 6 miles down a canyon. We were packing it out that night about 9 PM and there were 2 packs of wolves howling back and forth at each other down that canyon, sounded like 5-6 wolves per pack. So just over 10% of the states total wolf population happened to be down that canyon with us... Amazing......
Here is one of the Mexican gray wolves being reintroduced into AZ and NM. I was shocked at the size, although not as large as a Timberwolf. This was a zoo in Prescott, AZ.
It's about 3x the size of our coyote and still a killer in every sense. If the numbers double again, we'll be in the 400 count range, then the doubling happens at a faster pace.
Now the activists/fed biologists want to do the same with the jaguar on the southern border.
I mean, let's go for the full Monty and start planting grizzly bear back in. Egads!
The sad thing is that the MGW will be federally protected until there is a viable population established SOUTH of the border. The Mexicans have an entirely different take on the large predators, which is why the jaguar that was causing such a sensation in the media on this side of the border is now mounted on the wall of a ranchero south of the border after getting too close to cattle. The Center for Biologic Diversity is already pushing to re-introduce the grizzly into Arizona and the rest of its historic range.
Montana can send wolves and grizzlies to Seattle ,Los Angles,Portland ,New York City ,D. C. We will send them all they want so someone can tell them how to manage them that don't live there.
I have been saying for years that a few wolves introduced to Central park, and a few grizzlies introduced to Los Angeles would be a perfect eye opener. They want them- We'll share them.
. In the early 80's there were Grizzlies around the Baker lake area of Wa. state.
I grew up camping, hunting and cutting timber there. Mid 80's I cut shake blocks flew them into Baker lake with helicopters into log booms. I used to hunt the backside of Anderson Watson lakes, had a black bear there once woofing at me.. Left in 1991 havent been back since.
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