Why have a 25-06 if you have a 270 win or 30-06

300 ultra

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2010
So I have both and actually wondering why at this point. A 25-06 will push a 110 gr bullet at 3000+ fps ok great. My 270 win will push a 130 gr bullet at the same. Now that I think of it my 30-06 will push a 150 gr bullet at 3000+ fps. None of these calibers are long range preferred calibers really. Now I know people will tell me otherwise but the majority of hunters use these rounds under 300 yards so ballistic coefficients really don't come into play at these ranges. Why do you favor one over the other? Ford versus chevy debate? Like to hear some of your rebutles to these facts..
There really is no reason to keep one over the other. I really like my 25-06 because its a sweet shooting, very low recoil gun. TikkaMike and I both have 25-06 rifles and we love them. He told me one day that any REAL man owns a 25-06. So now i can't sell mine for sure haha.
Honestly, I see the poor ol stepchild 25-06 A's a "cross over" cartrige that just doesn't make sense.
It's a lil large for varmints, & my personal minimum hunting rifle is a 270, so I just don't see any practicality in the ol quarter bore. Thier bullets B.C. is low, & it just doesn't do anything exceptionally well, that the others can't do better.
To me, a varmint gun is a 222, 223, 22-250, or 243. An Elk rifle starts at 270 & goes up from there.

On a side note, All my hunting rifles pull double duty (Elk & ? -Deer, Bear, Antelope etc. but Elk is always a consideration of mine when making a "hunting rifle" purchase.

I know lots of Elk have been killed with a 25-06, & even a .243 for that matter, & I'm not sayin it can't or shouldn't be done. I just put a Personal minimum of 270Win. for Bullet weight, Speed, Energy, & B.C. & S.D. on my Elk cartriges. If the 270 "sets the bar" then the quarterbore falls short for ME on everything but Deer, & Antelope. Like I said, All my guns pull "Double Duty" & Elk are on my menu.

I guess if I lived down south, & whitetail was my largest quary it'd be an Awesome cartrige.
But I live & play in the northwest. Partly, it's how, & where I was raised, family tradition (a.k.a. "our love affairs with 270's & anything 30, or 338 caliber) Where you find Elk, you can also typically find wolf tracks, & big bear tracks, & cougar tracks. That's a far cry from sitting in a "motel on stilts" watching a pasture or "food plot" waiting for a deer to here the dinner bell feeder, & your biggest predator is a coyote that can't climb a ladder to join you..... So of course my family has long considered the 270 a's the minimum. What would you send your kid out in the woods with?

I think a lot of opinions, for or against certain cartriges, & thier capabilities are "geographically formed". I know with absolute certainty that the 25-06 blows the doors off of my .50 cal muzzle loader, & I wouldn't hesitate using my muzzle loader on Elk to 200 yds if conditions allowed. So go figure....? It's all in what your comfortable & confident with, how & what you were taught, & where, & what you hunt.
There are three cartridges based on the old 30-06. They are 25-06, 270win and 280Rem. Of these four cartridges (including the 30), generally speaking, the 30cal and the 280 have the best BC bullets. This makes these two the best choices for longrange hunting. As a result, they are the two best choices to have in your safe.
This is my thinking for ackley cartridges also. If you want a 280ai why not just buy a 7mm mag. 25-05ai just buy a 257 weatherby. I personally think its for a good conversation piece at deer camp. What you shoot? Oh I shoot a 7AI with a flux capacitor shoulder on it. It gives me the same velocities as a 7mm rem but it takes me 32 more steps when reloading it.
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