Who Shoots Crows? & with what


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2022
As the title says, I got 2 this morning, one with An Encore PH 223, The 2nd with a Rem 700 17Rem stainless/Synthetic 22"
Whatever I have with me when the opportunity comes. I look for the watcher crow and try to take it out. anytime crows are on the ground there will be one in the trees watching to make sure all's well. He's my target. We also set up with a owl on a long cane pole set where the crows can see it and play a owl crow fight on the foxpro Then its shotguns.
I wpuld suggest reading up on migratory bird laws/ protection before posting about your actions here. Might save you some trouble.
Crow hunting with a rifle is legal in PA.

Further more here is the federal statue on crow hunting

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I've hunted and shot a lot of crows in my life, and I have taken them with 22LR, 222's, 223's, 12ga, and even a few with a 110gr 30-06 load. Usually when riding and scouting farm fields and pastures, I used my 222 Rem in a 700 BDL with either 50gr TNT loads or some of my hand swaged frangible 17gr bullets for zero ricochet around cattle.

When using an electronic caller and/or decoys, a good 12ga load with 6 or 7 1/2 shot in either modified or full choke. For real short term excitement, wing one and then step on his wing to hold him down and let him scream - Things can become Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" very fast.
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My buddy in PA gets over a 1000 a year.
12 gauge, 7-1/2 shot
Find where they roost and feed, and set up in between.

The season there is July 1 - April 9, Fri, Sat, Sun only. Something about an agreement with Mexico sets the season.

Crows are smart.