Who remembers this....?

Nostalgia big time! Kinda funny- caps are actually hard to come up now a days. I bought a all metal 8 shot ring cap gun for a little tyke for Christmas, went to 8 stores trying to find caps. Even Amazon and others have deemed them "explosive" Finally ended up buying a couple cheap plastic guns from Walmart just for the caps included with them. Felt bad, almost like gifting a non-reloader a 25 wssm!🤣
I would freaking love to get my Vaquero done like that
Here is the guy that did it:

Here is one of my brothers Maverick cap pistols I send Jim for a reference beside the Vaquero.

Well yeah, I had a set, plastic holsters and all, those were fun days has a child. Kids today will never know what they've missed, it's a shame. 🤠
Another shame is that there are no longer any positive role models on tv or in the movies.

No wonder the world is going to heck when all the kids see growing up is that evil wins.