Which Berger?


I'm with Broz on this one. I built a .280AI not long ago and worked up a load for the 168 VLD's. Fast and accurate but then I tried the 180 Hybrids and they're nearly as fast and just as accurate so I'm sticking with them. My only kill so far in the one hunting season I've had it is a bighorn at 212 yards and it performed great.

I would definitely give the 180's a try and see if you can get decent velocity with them in your rifle. I think you'll be happier in the long run.
I would definitely give the 180's a try and see if you can get decent velocity with them in your rifle. I think you'll be happier in the long run.

I will politely disagree in randomly saying the 180 is a better choice than the 168 gr. in a .284 barrel for all calibers.

Let's make a few assumptions - you may agree or disagree - free country.

1) Berger bullets are mass produced, highly competitive in price, and relatively easy to acquire in these crazy times.
2) The copper wall thickness of a 180 gr VLD in thicker than the wall thickness of a 168 gr.
3) Berger holds very tight tolerances on their OD dimensions and let's the cavity after the tip is formed to whatever may happen.
4) we all know the fact that if a Berger is going to "fail" in all likely hood it is because it did not open up in the normal Berger way. Let's just forget about proper placement of the bullet for now.
5) you may want more mass to fragment and penetrate and you are 100% entitled to this opinion. I now and in the future want to be sure they are going to open up and using a thicker walled copper squeezed to the same OD dimension as a thinner walled copper more than likely results in a much smaller cavity.

I'm not saying the 168 are a better or worse choice over a 180 but I sure as hell ain't going to be slinging any 180's at lower velocity impact hits.

I hope each and everyone of you never have a Berger that does not open up - but I will say that you can do everything in your power in reloading and checking the final product and if the stars are aligned just right - it can happen.
I use the thicker jackets, like the OTM's in my .338's and some 300's and 7mm's so they open a little less at closer distances with higher impact velocities. If I was looking to complain, it would be about opening too much up close. But you can't have it all and I love what they do around 1800 or 2000 fps on impact. I do inspect each tip of all hunting rounds to insure it is not clogged with a wire drill. No enlarging, just insuring it is open all the way to lead. I am not doubting that some have seen a few not open, nor am I saying they did anything wrong in their loading process. But I have a 100% track record with 100's ... yes, 100's of kills, so I only post this to offer what I do. Take it or leave it, we all do have lots of choices when it comes to bullets. Heck, maybe I am just a lucky son of a gun.:)

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