Where did COVID go??

I assume everyone is talking about the PLANDEMIC that took place/ started during the election year where the current president got more votes than Obama?

Both of my parents got the rona the week of Christmas 2020. Both of my parents are in their early 60's. Both vaccinated. It nearly killed my mother who is one of the toughest "ol birds" I've met. My father was sick and felt like hammered dog **** for 5-7 days. The main difference between the 2 of them during their stint with covid is my father never sat down. He was up feeding cows, busting ice, keeping heat lamps running, taking care of mother, cooking, laundry, driving to doctors appointments......while my mom was glued to a recliner being sick.

THEY want you in a hospital bed! THEY want you on a ventilator. THEY want you using your insurance on procedures and prescriptions that are not the best way to fight the virus. THEY want you afraid. THEY want you quarantined away. THEY know there is strength in numbers and thats why THEY want you holed up in your home so THEY can pump the agenda THEY see as correct into your TV and computer.

I've been extremely lucky to have not lost anyone that I have a phone number for...if that makes sense. My wife has told me of friends she went to school with who's husband's or parents have died WITH covid. But I don't personally know of anyone. That being said..... I keep a pretty tight circle and I'm not on facespace or instatwit. I've been very blessed in not having to bury a bunch of folks like many others have and to everyone out there who has buried someone due to covid I'd like to extend my condolences.

My "rant" is not meant to make light of the losses from covid but to shed light.
You guys notice nobody is talking about COVID anymore? I was just watching BBC and saw the EU parliament leaving a meeting, no masks or social distancing.

No more vaccine fights and mask debates to be seen. I didn't know pandemics had a simple off switch.

On a positive note we don't have to see Fauci's ugly face anymore. I wonder where he went? Beagle barbecue maybe?

Mid terms coming up in the us. Can't have people reminded
Interesting topic in light of the strangest/devastating last couple year of our lives.

I work in construction so I won't try to convince anyone I'm an expert. My experience…. Early on I think that the spread was "slowed" due to the fact that a particular group of people were purposely shutting down the economy to make the previous president look bad. With that said we can go back to ancient times and see that isolation has been the constant factor in terms of mitigation for spread of disease.

The first go around with Covid in may of 21, 5 of 7 of us caught Covid. I'm fairly young and it didn't affect me more then a slight headache. My wife was a little worse off. It was spread throughout our church and the vaccination rate there was about 55/45 with the latter being unvaccinated. About half the church got it.

The second go around I would say that 95% was vaccinated. There were very few who were previously infected that caught it again. About 15 of 200. The difference this time was that most of the people who were vaccinated before and did nt get it got it this time. Most of their comments were to the effect that getting the shot was worse then having Covid. Interesting.

Now the third go around. Was about 2 months ago. 95% vaccinated. About 75% got it again. This is even amongst the "boosted".

I do not know anyone that died and am not trying to take from anyones losses, but there are far far to many discrepancies.

What I have noticed between the vaccinated and unvaccinated is that the ones who have been vaccinated seem to have health issues with stuff previously unknown to them before. We know that it doesn't stop the spread and it surely does not lessen the symptoms. While Covid is very real there were far to many death that could've been prevented politicians didn't play Russian roulette with our lives to gain power and make money.
Its lost in the imagination of those who concocted its veracity.

6.08 million died of Wuhan.
7,953,952,577 billion global population 2022
0.076% of the world population died from Wuhan

The number that died is such so small when compared to the global population by comparison:

33.5 million died of the Spanish flu - 1918
1.8 billion global population 1918
1.86% of the global population died from Spanish Flu

More died from the spanish flu than of wuhan...
What made the Spanish flu so bad was who it killed most often. It was a death sentence for young adults ages 16-24.

I wonder how many people died from heart disease or obesity related diseases in 2020 and 2021. We won't ever get a straight answer because if you died from a car wreck and tested positive for antibodies going through the windshield at 80mph didn't kill you.and...... rona did!
What made the Spanish flu so bad was who it killed most often. It was a death sentence for young adults ages 16-24.

I wonder how many people died from heart disease or obesity related diseases in 2020 and 2021. We won't ever get a straight answer because if you died from a car wreck and tested positive for antibodies going through the windshield at 80mph didn't kill you.and...... rona did!
There's an old rural cemetery a ways from the country church I grew up going to, it's lesser known, not big sign or anythng and a long ways off the main road…I remember as a teenager I volunteered to mow the grass and stuff the one summer…it was was very sobering to take a bit of time and look at all the graves (the ones i could read anyway)…tons of kids between 3 and 8 years old in that 1918-1921 window. I remember asking my dad what the heck happened here, I knew people just died more frequently back in the day but over two dozen kids under 8 years old in two years in a small rural community with not that many people to start with seemed weird. Spanish Influenza was the answer.

I don't downplay COVID at all but as a father of four young kids i thank God it's nothing like what it's compared to, that's just ridiculous that people compare them!
If my history serves me correctly.....

The Spanish flu did something with the bodies immune system and would basically turn a healthy immune system against its host. Kids and young adults have 3x the immune system as a 40yo. Which is why it devastated ages 8-18. Also at that time if you made it to ages 8-10 and didn't have major diseases like polio or smallpox you were pretty much "through the woods", so having a bunch of people die from disease "who were through the woods" was socially strange. It obliterated the Texas gulf coast so much so that some larger counties didn't hand out marriage licenses hardly for years because everyone of "marriage age" was dead.
1500 people a day are still dying from it. We lost a longtime friend 2 weeks ago. Another has been in the hospital for 3 months. It's not the boogeyman . By the way both John and my buddy in the hospital big time anti vaxers. How much does three months in the hospital cost? He's a mechanic for a big company and worked hard a few years older than me 53. I can't imagine what this is going to do to his life. Me and my wife have multiple horror stories about people lost or severely damaged by this virus. I've had it twice and the first time left me with severe neurological problems that leave me confused and very frustrated at times. I am a fairly healthy person and feel lucky to have never had it go-to my l Iungs. The virus didn't go anywhere its still there killing thousands of people. Its not going anywhere it has been around forever. It will continue to mutate and could possibly kill us all . Reading threads like this I think maybe we deserve it.

It is always sad to lose any life because of disease, war, etc.
I work in health care and Covid isn't over, just old news and the Vaccine lie is turning out to be just that a lie. My last Covid outbreak we had 19 or 21 patients all vaccinated get Covid. Boostered staff and patients still got Covid. A dear friend had all the shots and passed away from Covid.

Vaccine only lessens the symptoms to a degree and doesn't mean it will save you. I'm not anti Vax, but the BS lies it will stop the spread and COVID is total BS!

I have studies about Covid fog, it has long term effects on the brain, it's a neurological issue now.

Get vaccinated if you're high risk. Like fat, diabetic etc. Otherwise... no need to

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