Good discussion.
Question on how to get more, if not all, of the powder to stay/burn in the case. That is not in the throat.
I doubt that it is possible. Just sayin'. Not knowin'.
At least some consideration, though I don't know how much, should/could be given to the abrasiveness of the powder. As in stick vs ball. Ball 'should' erode less???
I did a bunch of "forward ignition" experimenting with flash tubes just short of the bullet base.
Observations were:
Felt recoil was lessened.
First 4-6" of barrel got way hotter way faster
Heat signature then proceeded down the barrel to the muzzle. Took some time but muzzle temp increased significantly.
Using RSI pressure gizmo showed noticeable change in pressure curve.
ES went way down
Launched many copper tubes down range.:roll eyes:
Higher bbl temp near chamber end plus inability to adequately secure flash tube in flash hole dampened the project.
Major problem was that my loading pressures were excessive to begin with thus case head expansion loosened threads too much.
Got 900 good hot loads out of the barrel. Only a few were with flash tubes.
Me thinks temperature along with pressure is the main culprit of barrel erosion.
Highly recommend using these extreme magnums for game taking not trigger tickling.