What barrel /twist rate for your .338 edge?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2009
I'm wanting to rebarrel my 300 rum to a .338 edge and I was wandering what barrel brand and twist rate you are using, also how long is your barrel all the info about your barrel will be helpful to me as I decide which way I willl go for my .338 edge . Thanks for looking. Feel free to post away as I am all EARS:) or in this case all EYES.

Some shooters say 9.2 or 9.3 is best for the 300 grain pills. Others say 10x for the 300 grain pills.

My opinion is that 10x is more than adequete for the 300 grain variety. This opinion is based on stability factor calculations and real world results. If you went with the tighter twist such as 9.3 etc...you would have the availability to run solid copper bullets such as the GS bullets or some of the newer prototype bullets noel is tinkering with. If all you want to run is the SMK or Scenars the 10x will do fine.

As far as length, that depends largely on you. I am running 28" of barrel and getting 2750 with the 300 SMK with 91.3 grains of H1000. If this rig was not designed as a back country cannon, I would have gone with a 30" barrel. I sacrifice a bit of velocity for better packability into the back country. Most 338 edge users prefer the full 30" tubes and are getting up to 2800-2850 with the 30". Shawn Carlock who is renouned for his experience and development of the 338 edge is a big fan of the 30" 10x.
Mine is a Mcgowan barrel 31" long with a 10 twist and shoots the 300gr smks great. I love my edge i dont think you will be a bit sorry if you go this route.

The only hassle is trying to find the bullets. Good luck

I had my rem 700 LSS 300 RUM rebarreled to a 338 EDGE a little over a year ago and am very happy with the way it turned out.

It was built by Shawn Carlock of DE. I went with his recomendation of a HART 28" stainless/fluted barrel, 1-10 twist. I opted to go for 1 contour under the sendero and only the 28" bbl instead of the 30" bbl because this is still my packing rifle in canyons for elk/bear. I dont need nor want to be lugging a 15lb rifle up and down canyons, not fun...

I use the standard load of a 300g smk with 92g H1000 and CCI 250 for a velocity of 2840fps. It shoots 1/2-1 MOA out to 1K.

Dont think you can go wrong with the 338 EDGE whoever you decide to have build it for you
Some shooters say 9.2 or 9.3 is best for the 300 grain pills. Others say 10x for the 300 grain pills.

My opinion is that 10x is more than adequete for the 300 grain variety. This opinion is based on stability factor calculations and real world results. If you went with the tighter twist such as 9.3 etc...you would have the availability to run solid copper bullets such as the GS bullets or some of the newer prototype bullets noel is tinkering with. If all you want to run is the SMK or Scenars the 10x will do fine.

As far as length, that depends largely on you. I am running 28" of barrel and getting 2750 with the 300 SMK with 91.3 grains of H1000. If this rig was not designed as a back country cannon, I would have gone with a 30" barrel. I sacrifice a bit of velocity for better packability into the back country. Most 338 edge users prefer the full 30" tubes and are getting up to 2800-2850 with the 30". Shawn Carlock who is renouned for his experience and development of the 338 edge is a big fan of the 30" 10x.
9.3 twist is what one of the top name barrel makers recomended to me, he said I'll protect you and we will go with a 9.3 twist now I'm torn between the two options of 1-10 or 9.3 I know shawn wouldn't be shooting the 1-10 if it wasn't a very good twist rate to go with . I will say this when speaking to the barrel maker I said in the end that I wanted a hunting rifle with bench rest capabilities and he said 9.3 So which way should I go ?

Thanks to all for the replies:)

I've got a broughton 9.3 twist and it shoots the 300smk's, 265 HAT's,250smk's,and 225 accubonds very
I'm still weighting for my barrel. 30", 1-10, 6 grove, McGrowen, with a DE muzzle brake. Looking at the new Burger 338 bullets, a 1-9.5 may have been a better choice. I thought about it, a lot, before ordering it. I talking to Shawn about it, when I ordered the brake. The decision was made 1-10. Why mess with a proven combo!

Regards Mike
I have on order a 34" 1-9 338 edge barrel for my project.. I also decided to go with no taper as I can re chamber many times quite easily this way...

I also plan to use a barrel block as this will be going on a Savage 111 action..
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