What barrel contours are you running?


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2007
Windsor, CO. USA
I'm getting ready to build a rifle and this is a subject that I'm not versed in. I want something in 30" finished, but I'm not sure what kind of contour I should be looking at. I'm not super concerned about weight, but it is going to be my go to, take anywhere in the world hunting rifle so I will be carrying and packing it extensively. Medium Palma maybe?

For carry guns, the heaviest profile I look for is a heavy Sendero.
I turn mine to have 29", 30" or 32" on most builds with a .950" muzzle. A normal Sendero finishes about .850" muzzle.
If I'm running a 28" barrel, I run it exactly as a Sendero taper, and that ends up between .850" and .870".
This profile is heavy enough to soak up recoil yet not too heavy to carry all day.

I'm getting ready to build a rifle and this is a subject that I'm not versed in. I want something in 30" finished, but I'm not sure what kind of contour I should be looking at. I'm not super concerned about weight, but it is going to be my go to, take anywhere in the world hunting rifle so I will be carrying and packing it extensively. Medium Palma maybe?

On my hunting rig I'm using a Bartlein #3, but it's only 24". Bartlein's #3 is pretty close to most folks' #4s and I think it's about the perfect balance of portability and precision.

I'm getting ready to build a rifle and this is a subject that I'm not versed in. I want something in 30" finished, but I'm not sure what kind of contour I should be looking at. I'm not super concerned about weight, but it is going to be my go to, take anywhere in the world hunting rifle so I will be carrying and packing it extensively. Medium Palma maybe?

I like the medium Palma contour or heavy sporter
Similar to what others have posted, I'm ruining Benchmark #4 and Bartlein #3 barrels on heavier hunting rifles. Also like Bartlein #19 which is their Rem Magnum Sporter.
Not everyone's contours are the same,and we all don't shoot the same . Everything's a compromise this is where its easy to trip up,Pat b above made a very good point. Your age& physical condition comes into it , if your younger and in the prime of your life that's changes things , back to the question, a number 3.5 to a light Palma,clear as mud yeah 😉,cheers and choose wisely.
My go to LRH rifles/barrels in 6.5 and .30 cal all run 26" in length with Light Palma(6.5 cal) and Remington Varmint/Sendaro(.308 cal) contours. These are as heavy as I'll go to achieve good shooting stability while still being manageable for carry for my medium frame.
I'm getting ready to build a rifle and this is a subject that I'm not versed in. I want something in 30" finished, but I'm not sure what kind of contour I should be looking at. I'm not super concerned about weight, but it is going to be my go to, take anywhere in the world hunting rifle so I will be carrying and packing it extensively. Medium Palma maybe?

on my 300 win I run a proof carbon fiber 28 inch
a 30 inch will take time to get most only do up to 28 inch longer is more cash and most times longer wait time unless you get a palma barrel here are some in stock kriger has some to this place is good card it and ship to your smith http://www.bugholes.com/category-s/1884.htm
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Anything I plan on carrying much is likely not going to be over 26" barrel. I have had a couple longer 29-30" 338's. Sure it gained 50ish fps, but it is a pain to deal with packing. Special longer cases, the rifle is long enough to catch on everything, the weight gain is significant and the speed gain may not be much depending on the chambering.

what cartridge are you thinking of running?
For several years I was running a 28" Kreiger 17 taper. It's not light. I had a synthetic but not CF stock, hell for stout 6 screw steel rings and a 2 lb Schmidt Bender. Bathroom scale said 14 lbs. it was a pretty solid quarter minute gun… on my good days. In my 60's now it got too heavy so I'm using 26" Bartlien 3b's and CF stocks on my long range rifles.
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