VLD in .270 win.


Active Member
Jan 27, 2010
warren/ winchendon
i have recently bought a steavens modle 200 in .270 and i have a leupold vari x2 3-9 on it. After i got it on paper at 100 yards i tryed 3 different loads that i have come up with. each one shot well but one of the three shot the best. the load it seemes to like so far is 52.2 grains of imr 4350 with a 140 grain berger vld with a 210 federal primer. i am useing remington factory brass. after i shot a few groupes at 100 yards i desided to see what the gun would do at 330 yards, so i set up my target and set up at the bench. i aimed about 1 foot high of the target and fired my three shots. when i went down range to check my target i saw a group that i could not even to beave. and the drop of the bullet was just about 15 inches from my aim point. the group that i measurd was an outstandin 1.5 inch group. this group i consider to be a very good group with the conditions i was shooting in, it was pretty windy and the bench i was siting at was not a very good one but my rests that i had were solid so that was good. also i was just able to set my cross hairs about 1 foot over the target and hit it. i am also very impressed with the gun because this gun is not a target gun, its not a bench gun its just an ordanary hunting rifel with a 22 inch barrel and a factory stock,which i would like to replace but these berger vld bullets i am very impressed with and if you cant get this bullet to shoot there is either one of two problems its ither the shooter or its the gun or it could be the two.gun)
Good info Robert, I been wanting to try some VLD's in my Savage .270.


the vld's are the most afective bullet i have shot so far and i am still going to find another load it seems to like but i am deffinately going to use these awsome vld's and im just wondering how long is the barel on your .270 just wondering cause when i shot that 330 yard group of 1.5 inch group it was windy and when i fired i cold here the bullet cutting through the wind and i only have a 22 inch barel and i am going to be shooting it through a conograph to see what my speed is right now but i am guessing it is going to be pretty dam fast. these savages are on of the most versitile guns i have seen. you can do any thing to these guns. and cheap at that and most of the things u can do to them you dont have to bring them to a gunsmith for the most part you can do it your self
I might have to try that load. My 270 like the 140 VLDs with 41.0 gr of H4350 behind it rem brass and cci br primers, will shot rag holes and its a pencil bbl 700 thats about 17 years old.
I might have to try that load. My 270 like the 140 VLDs with 41.0 gr of H4350 behind it rem brass and cci br primers, will shot rag holes and its a pencil bbl 700 thats about 17 years old.

how is that h4350 cause i might want to get some cause i shot a modifyed load last week end and i was geting some pressure issues with it because of the heat and i know that h4350 is a less temperature powder
how is that h4350 cause i might want to get some cause i shot a modifyed load last week end and i was geting some pressure issues with it because of the heat and i know that h4350 is a less temperature powder

How much powder in your modified load? You load seems pretty moderate?

If you change to Winchester brass you'll most probably be able to load to a bit higher velocity before getting into case extraction symptoms. Remmy brass is heavier and softer than W-W, usually. Thus less case capacity.

Either version of 4350 is a good fit for the 270 Win. RL-22 is better except for temperature sensitivity which however can be managed.

Post your chono results. I bet you aren't as fast as you think you are.
4350 is not a bad powder choice for the 270, and will produce a good working load, but 4831 is a little better fit. I would stick with the H 4831 SC version if an accurate load can be worked up in a particular rifle.

Newb here....

Ive been using the 140gr Berger VLDs for a while now..

My factory R700 SPS loves them.

First group at 600yds was 3.66" and first group at 1000 was 12".

59grs H4831SC/ CCI BR2/ 140gr VLD = 2971 +/- 4fps

I have some 135gr SMKs im goin to load and compare to the 140gr VLDs..
Try RL-17 in the 270. I'm getting 3050MV with 130 VLDs that shoot .5 moa at 800, I've shot a couple groups under 2 inches at 800.

I'm working on a load for the 150 VLDs now, to get a little more energy that far out.
Try RL-17 in the 270. I'm getting 3050MV with 130 VLDs that shoot .5 moa at 800, I've shot a couple groups under 2 inches at 800.

I'm working on a load for the 150 VLDs now, to get a little more energy that far out.


What rifle?

Im goin to be getting a barrel for my R700 pretty soon. The Factory pencil barrel heats up way too fast.
An encore with a 28" Bergra barrel. I've got three encores. Two with Harmonic balancers. Both shoot .5 moa groups at 800 yards. My daughter shoots cook cans with them at 400, and really a coke can is easy at 400 with either encore. Both group 2 inchs or less at 400. But hitting a coke can at 400 is a great confidence buildier for deer season.

Funny both those enocores rivial my BR gun to 800 yards with a custom Hart full contour rifle that weighs 15 pounds.

All bets are off if the wind is blowing, I simply can't make a good wind call.
An encore with a 28" Bergra barrel. I've got three encores. Two with Harmonic balancers. Both shoot .5 moa groups at 800 yards. My daughter shoots cook cans with them at 400, and really a coke can is easy at 400 with either encore. Both group 2 inchs or less at 400. But hitting a coke can at 400 is a great confidence buildier for deer season.

Funny both those enocores rivial my BR gun to 800 yards with a custom Hart full contour rifle that weighs 15 pounds.

All bets are off if the wind is blowing, I simply can't make a good wind call.


I have found out that i make half of the adjustment for the same wind as my buddy with a .308. I call the wind and he doubles it, usually hits are right on.

I can get some what close at 1000.. out to 800 and i can usually get a hit on a 10" wide target.
Need more pratice!!
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