Tell us which big game hunting license draws you are in for 2010?

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
The number one message this month is: Don't miss the draw deadlines for your western state hunts. I'll be hunting in WY for deer and antelope and in MT for deer. I may do a spring spot and stalk black bear hunt in WY but that license is available over the country.

What are your plans?
Archery deer and elk in Utah

rifle hunting - antelope in Wyoming, elk in Utah

Usual rifle deer in Maryland.

Applications for Desert Bighorn sheep but not enough points to expect to draw.
My buddy and I are in for 1-buck & 2 doe antelope and 1 buck deer all in Wyoming.


PS: We are also allowed to harvest 10 does and 2 bucks here in Georgia.
Hope to draw a Missouri River Breaks bull elk tag since I have a fair amount of bonus points. Also throwing my name in for bighorn sheep but with all the disease effecting the herds this year I don't know what kind of opportunities will be out there. The rest will be over the counter deer/elk and maybe go after spring bear here or in Idaho.
I'm working on getting points for sheep in MT and Wy. I may try to get points or draw in the Lima peaks for mule deer. I think I may try to find a spring bear this year, in the areas I have seen them in the spring would make for some real nice LRH opportunities.
Wy: Elk, Moose. Moose will most likely be points only. Points- Deer, Antelope.
CO: Pref points for Elk & Deer. May cash in deer points.
MT: Elk & Deer Combo.
ID: Controlled hunts for Elk & Deer.
NV: Elk, Deer, Antelope.
CO: archery bull elk draw
NV: Muley buck draw

Got a cousin with a whopping 4 pt in NV junior licence, this is his last year as a junior and hoping real bad for him to get his very first buck tag this year. The very worst draw odd in NV for junior is 4 to 1. Got high hope!!!
Utah: Elk--6 points, maybe this year?
Black Bear
Desert Bighorn Sheep
Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep

Colorado: Elk
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