Take a moment to consider STDs as you prep for hunting season...


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2018
Late night prepping for a short jaunt into unknown country the next couple days, and found these in the folds of some old gators I threw in "just in case".


These little devils are Hounds Tongue...

The most horrifying bur weed I've ever encountered was trying to sneak its way into some new country...

So...Public Service announcement...

Think carefully, and take appropriate measures to avoid contracting or spreading STDs (Seed Transmitted Diseases) while you're out away from home this hunting season...
In the South, we have Beggar Lice. These are small seeds that adhere to every kind of cloth. I have a blaze orange vest for my bird dog. A couple of days ago, we went out training. She looked like a solid mass of Beggar Lice. A little tidbit: My dad showed me a trick as kid. We were coming home from hunting and had several on our clothes. He pulled over next to a cotton field, and picked up some stray bolls. He told me to just rub them over my clothes. It takes those sticky seeds right off.
I've put in many hours eradicating Hound's Tongue on my place. And Dyer's Woad too. The California thistles are unstoppable, but at least horses will eat them. The Hound's Tongue will really mess up manes and tails.
Knowing most wildlife agencies want proof of sex attached to the carcass, a whole world of questions popped up when I read the title of this post.

Be safe out there gentlemen.