Swift bullets


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2019
I'm asking if any members can voice some opinions on Swift bullets as far as a hunting bullet, what is your experience with them, likes and dislikes ext. I personally have never shot one, and am not looking at them as punching paper round, strictly hunting elk/deer. I mainly shoot Nosler, and Hornady bullets, and they have never let me down. Unfortunately I am in a tinkering state of mind as was considering trying them out of pure curiosity. No I am not a fan of Barnes or Berger bullets, do they shoot well yes, but personal experience with them not overly impressed when it comes to hunting. Some guys love them I dont. I was considering loading 30 cal 180gr swifts. Just wanted personal opinions on Swift. Thanks for your time and insight.
Most of my Swift A-Frame experience has been with .458 Win, .375 H&H, .300 Weatherby and .416 Rigby in order of volume. It is hands down my favorite buffalo bullet; I used it on Asiatic buffalo culls compared head to head with other bullets. They hit hard, hit loud and the harder you drive them the better they work. They are definitely on the hard side of the spectrum. Accuracy is sort of "minute of good enough". They tend toward copper fouling.

Most of my Scirocco 11 experience is in the .257 and .270 Weatherbys. They thrive on long jumps and high velocity and the Weatherbys make sure they get plenty of both. Rifles that like them, like them a lot. The .257 is the one I used the most, running up some good body counts on fallow and red deer population control. Its definitely on the stiff side of lead bullets, and if you want to poleax the little fallows with body hits look for shoulder hits. Noslers kill faster, in a weight shedding, nasty wound channel sort of way. They were better on the larger reds where theres more resistance. In either case, if theres a deer behind your primary, you're absolutely going to hit
it too. Plan accordingly. The .270 Weatherby is a little more of everything. A little more weight, and little more diameter, a little more BC , a little more recoil and a little more whack on target. Tbe 130 seems to open up on coyotes violently while still punching fist sized exit holes through an elk's rib cage. No problem hearing them hit.
I like the Swift A frame for large dangerous game and Elk sized game if range is under 400 yards.

The Sirocco is also a good choice for deer and Elk at normal to long distances.

They are very good bullets and worth trying In my opinion.

This is what I like about this site---lots of good first hand experience! I m a partition guy (never been disappointed)--- but I 've got half a box of swifts that I need to try sometime!
I like the Sciroccos as well. My first experience killing was a 130gn 270Win Remington Premier load on a pronghorn at 400 yards. Performed flawlessly. As mentioned, you just have to dial in the preferred seating depth. I'd use an A frame if I was in Africa but see no improvement for use here with the Scirocco having much more long distance accuracy.
I shoot the 130 grain sciroccos in my 264 win mag. If I'm not shaking, it'll always shoot sub-moa using IMR7828. Last year shot a nice 8 pt in Louisiana. Deer took all of 3 steps. Compete pass thru, and not alot of meat damage. I use the swift a-frames in my 375 ruger. Don't know how it does on wild game, but it does nasty things to wild milk jugs. Someday I'll actually draw a Maine moose tag, and then I'll see.
I use the sciroccos in my 7 saum and wife's 25-06. I use the a-frames in my 416-375 ultra mag and load the 175's in my sisters 7 mag. They all shoot sub MOA and terminal performance is always great. I may get some 75 sciroccos for my 224 Valkyrie to see how they do as well if the 77 LRX's don't work out.
I have a 7STW I shot deer with. I started with 140gr Nosler Accubonds and thought hitting a deer and it only running about 100yds was good. But then I switched to the Swift Sciroccos 150 gr. bullet and deer hit with it, no matter how far or where hit, were DRT! It's very accurate in my 7STW, but I do punch paper with less expensive bullets.
I'm asking if any members can voice some opinions on Swift bullets as far as a hunting bullet, what is your experience with them, likes and dislikes ext. I personally have never shot one, and am not looking at them as punching paper round, strictly hunting elk/deer. I mainly shoot Nosler, and Hornady bullets, and they have never let me down. Unfortunately I am in a tinkering state of mind as was considering trying them out of pure curiosity. No I am not a fan of Barnes or Berger bullets, do they shoot well yes, but personal experience with them not overly impressed when it comes to hunting. Some guys love them I dont. I was considering loading 30 cal 180gr swifts. Just wanted personal opinions on Swift. Thanks for your time and insight.
My go to bullet for the past 20 years when it comes to bigger game.. have used the A-Frames and Scirocco's on dozens of elk with excellent results..have also used both on 6 hunts to Africa..have shot everything from little duiker to buff,hippo, lion, leopard, croc, etc.. in Zim..have never had a failure..used Accubonds on my first trip to African out of my 300RUM--on closer shots they were really blowing up..huge entry hole.. using 180gr at a chronographed 3370 fps... switched to Swift's .have never had a problem since.. using them in my 300RUM, 300Wincheser and 416 Rem..
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