The Silver, the one Winchester for sure and the newer Rem do not have to be adjusted to shoot up or down in shell sizes. The Benellis my buddies all had were same way too but usally failed miserably with even 2.75 heavy trap loads. That was a few years back on the Benelli s though. I have heard people say their newer model Benelli ate everything they fed it including my one buddy who literally has to have every new 3.5 Benelli as soon as its out if not sooner
Question is how light did they really go and how many rounds. The 11/87's need things switched. My buddies wouldn't function with 2.75's even some hotter stuff I gave him. I think Fracnhi has some models that get adjusted too. Its one of the smaller brands owned by Beretta/Benelli I was reading about that they were hyping how easy it was to adjust.
Ive seen a lot of guys over the years brag their 3.5's will eat anything. Then doing a preserve bird hunt those guns jammed like all get up.
I'm recoil senstive since my spinal injury and if its not hunting wild game, I'm shooting as light a load as possible. I didn't expect my A5 to function let alone the 3.5 silver with what we ended up shooing towards the end of our trap season. I was in shock that their were hundreds and hundreds of rounds through the guns not skipping a beat once wihtout cleaning either. I even used my low recoils when hunting at my club wihtout a hiccup too.
I think several manufactures have stepped up their game in terms of truly versatile 3.5's