Sharing COVID-19 vaccination personal experience


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2008
Great Falls, MT
This can be a hard decision for most and boils down to a personal matter, regardless of reasoning. I understand that the longitudinal side effects will not be known for a while, just like any other vaccines or medicines out there. My installation was offering it for civilian employees, so I took it. I know that there are members that have experience COVID-19 or have taken the vaccines. We also lost a dear friend with it. The goal of this post is simply to share real-world personal experiences.

I got my first shot (Moderna) on Jan 28. The second shot is scheduled for Feb 25. I had a sore on the injection area, slight body aches, feverish feeling, but my temperature is 98F.

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Unfortunately I don't know name brands, but my mom had both her shots with no side affects. My wife's grandfather (87, 88 y/o?) Very recently had his first and a few hours later had a stroke. At least thats what the ER told him. His specialist doctor later told him he didnt think he had a stroke, and was probably going to report his reaction as a severe side effect. He hit his head on the fall and hasn't yet fully regained his mental clarity. It's a tough call whether to get it so early or not. If this was vaccine related, it clearly was on the extreme end of the side effect spectrum and most wont experience anything like that. Everyone has to live with whatever risks they think is best for them.
The first shot isn't the one that most folks have a reaction. The second one has been more problematic by far. These statements are only for a comparison between the 2 shots.... not to discourage anyone from getting the vaccine.
J&J's vaccine is touted to be a single shot and Regeneron has a new therapy/vaccine for the upcoming mutations.
My wife just got both her shots completed. First shot nothing more than sore injection sight. Second shot was not as nice. Basically bad flu like symptoms for 24hrs. From bad headache to unable to sleep joint pain and upset stomach. Pretty rough for those 24 hours. But after those 24hrs feeling pretty much back to normal. FYI she's 37 exercises 5+ days a week. And is other wise very healthy. Tough girl she had our first two children with no pain medicine. So when she says something hurts I believe her.
1st shot of Moderna yesterday afternoon 1/29 and absolutely nothing from it so far 18+ hours post injection, no site soreness etc., My wife has a little soreness but nothing unusual from injection. Our next shot is Feb 26th. I will say the county clinic that administered it was probably best in class example on how to do it. No crowding, appointments only, screening easy, wait area wide open high ceiling, expansive for separation, wait times were minimal less than 5 minutes, shot was administered quickly no muss or fuss, post shot wait was controlled. First class operation run military precision, nothing like you see on news casts. Funny how you don't see these examples on the news now do you.
being a reservist, we are supposed to get whatever the army has sometime in April.
Been there than that. I remember getting the Anthrax shot during the 1st Gulf War, and all our shot records mysteriously disappeared. Well, 30+ years later, I am still alive today. 😇 WOW, that went by quickly.
I received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine in January. Shoulder was a little sore both times but experienced no other side effects. On the other hand I believe I picked-up COVID-19 on a flight back in December of 2019 when there was no testing available. Just remember lying on the couch wondering why a simple cold made my taste disappear and why it was difficult to breathe for a couple of days. I still experience lung congestion a year after having the symptoms. My father was an old cowboy who I cannot recall ever being sick or having any chronic diseases and he lost his battle with COVID in December.
One of my friends had an interesting perspective when I asked him if he was going to receive the vaccine, he chuckled a bit and told me, "if all the things I have put into this body hasn't killed me by now, I am certainly not going to worry about a little vaccine." It is difficult to tell who this virus will destroy and I know many here have lost loved ones; my thoughts and prayers go out to you...
I am required (level 1A) to get the vaccine or get a new job, so not really much of a choice🙈.
I am 1B and was really surprised it was made readily available for me as well. We probably have over 1500 1As vaccinated in my installation. It is strictly voluntary for civilian employees, but a lot of us are taking advantage of it.
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