Security Alarm Siren Goes Off 2:45AM Last Night!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
Yep, rocked out of bed with alarm on our rear entry garage door. Impressed on speed from ADT; called within 15 seconds of alarm going off. Wife stayed on phone while I cleared house and garage with .357 in hand. Door locked and no problem. Appears door frame sensor failed. Motion detector lights were off so that also confirmed no activity as well. Seriously? At 2:45AM? How does that happen? Why not 9:00 PM when it can be easily dealt with instead of being blasted out of sleep middle of night! Plus at 2:45AM, it can be real event in progress. Dang, talk about hard to get back to sleep!!! So will be replacing today for sure.
It is nice to have a 'drill' to see how you do. My dog sleeps in the living room and serves as the alarm system. She went serious nuts last fall, not throw the ball bark, but the fight to the death is coming growl bark. Cleared the ground floor and caught her at the sliding door focused on 2 coyotes on the edge of the tall grass. It makes a great opportunity to assess actual readiness and defense plan. It also makes it difficult to get back to sleep.
I had a new born at home and we all know how well they sleep. I had been woken up at 2 am with a cranky baby. It was my turn so I went in and changed and fed him. I got him back to bed around 3 AM. I went to the fridge to grab some water as I headed back to my room. Just as I was about to fall asleep my alarm system went off. The alarms are connected to the lights and in an alarm they all turn on. This prompted me to go down stairs to clear the house with my Glock. I took a look at the system and noticed the gun room sensor had went off. Thinking that was odd it's in the middle of the house and in the basement. I went down to take a look and the sensor that I had stuck on instead of screwed on , fell off and went into alarm. By that point I had a ****ed off wife and a crying baby. I fixed that issue the next day......
I will see your bet and raise you. Also have ADT. Have a new (used) house. Locked every thing up, shut the doors between rooms and drove to the Grand Canyon from California. I am in Utah about to go to dinner at a very nice resturan with my spouse, it is 7PM, I get a call from a neighbor (who has my trip itinerary). My house alarm has gone off, the neighborhood is on alert. Neighbor calls police after checking the windows and doors. He and the police find no sign of break in. I call the alarm company and they deactivate the alarm until I get home.
"Enjoyed" an expensive dinner since there is no 'apparent reason' to drive 725 miles.
At the end of the trip, I get home and find that one of the interior doors was open which, in turn, had set off the motion detector. Seems the old house's doors closed but was held closed only by the friction of the latch on the latch plate so the door as not latched shut Moved the latch and fixed the problem. Problem solved...NOT.
The rest of the story: On another trip I, unhappily, discovered there was a second door with the same problem . (fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me) The police department threatened me with a heafty fine if it happened again within one year. Spend the weekend making sure every door closed and latched properly.
Happened at my house. 2am
House had three back doors. The one we *never* used was open, but could only open 3" because of heavy table I had moved in front of it.
Alarm company called within 2 minutes, relayed call to police who were there within 10.
We lived on the top of a hill, commonly buffeted by wind.
Responding officer says, perhaps the wind blew it open.... I replied, "then please explain the hand print in the dust on the door knob."
Over the next five years living there, I saw vagrants pass through my yard at least 2x, gone from sight by the time I got out of the house.
I looked over the door this morning and found that the door frame has moved over the past 15 years such the sensor just barely toughed the door edge. Since it is a steel door frame, I took the easy fix and added a short strip of steel to edge of door to take up the slack to the sensor. I could have moved the sensor out a bit but it is so fragile looking I decided to just "add more door" that was indestructible so it would engage the sensor fully.

The good thing is I was not on a heart monitor! It definitely got cranked up fast. I was very pleased how fast I accessed my .357 (less than 10 seconds of siren screaming) which I prefer for "one and done" scenarios. Its loaded with 180 grain Partitions at bear load so I was confident it would leave a bruise if I had the god awful need to do so. I live in country on 5 acres so I am not concerned over pass through relative to the house.

I have been at ready since I found my motion detector lights turned off on the house. Somebody was prepping for a possible entry which I have addressed with added security and so far no attempts have been made. I have Tactacam Reveal in place to send photo if someone decides to wander around house.

This was funny, a new neighbor that moved in decided to walk around the area including the backside of my property to get "lay of the land" and I truly believe innocent intent if you knew the guy. ER surgeon. So one day having a nice little how's the family chat I just happen to mention he takes a really good photo! I explained to him where he was walking etc. OMG, red faced, embarrassed, and apologized 100 times that he was just walking around. He got the message LOUD and CLEAR!
I looked over the door this morning and found that the door frame has moved over the past 15 years such the sensor just barely toughed the door edge. Since it is a steel door frame, I took the easy fix and added a short strip of steel to edge of door to take up the slack to the sensor. I could have moved the sensor out a bit but it is so fragile looking I decided to just "add more door" that was indestructible so it would engage the sensor fully.

The good thing is I was not on a heart monitor! It definitely got cranked up fast. I was very pleased how fast I accessed my .357 (less than 10 seconds of siren screaming) which I prefer for "one and done" scenarios. Its loaded with 180 grain Partitions at bear load so I was confident it would leave a bruise if I had the god awful need to do so. I live in country on 5 acres so I am not concerned over pass through relative to the house.

I have been at ready since I found my motion detector lights turned off on the house. Somebody was prepping for a possible entry which I have addressed with added security and so far no attempts have been made. I have Tactacam Reveal in place to send photo if someone decides to wander around house.

This was funny, a new neighbor that moved in decided to walk around the area including the backside of my property to get "lay of the land" and I truly believe innocent intent if you knew the guy. ER surgeon. So one day having a nice little how's the family chat I just happen to mention he takes a really good photo! I explained to him where he was walking etc. OMG, red faced, embarrassed, and apologized 100 times that he was just walking around. He got the message LOUD and CLEAR!
Mine has gone off twice in the last month. Must be ghosts because my primary alarm did not trip (5 dogs). The electronic one is secondary. The Primary has more false alarms than the secondary, but will trip first 100% of the time if someone is actually there. If the alarm goes off and the dogs don't, I just reset it and go back to bed.
Still laugh thinking about the time alarm monitoring company called my residence next door to my shop at 2AM with intrusion alarm. Ran over to the shop and in the process of clearing the building I stepped on some bubble wrap!! Watched the clip on video surveillance with friends the next day. Hilarious! True story!
Back in the seventies I was assigned to a nuclear weapons unit in Germany. They had just installed a new (at that time) sonar detection system with motion detectors. Over the next month we were flushed out of bed and called out on alert several times. After an hour or so we would be told to stand down and go back to the barracks. This had become routine and was no longer entertaining. One Friday night, when I was at the NCO club having a few drinks, the alarms went off. After getting into a heated discussion with the First Sargent about "drills during drinking hours" we were released. While heading back to the gate to leave the X area, we received fire. That woke us up a bit as everyone scrambled back toward the arms room. The sentry dogs handled the problem and we were released again. Sorry for the long story, but to get to the point- I have a dog for a security alarm. And of course handguns placed around the house. It sounds like you had a long night so get some rest Muddyboots.