I have field tested all three. So take that into account when you listen to folks that comment. If someone has not used them...well...lets just say listen to who you want.
With that in mind, you need to understand that a rangefinder scope is a little larger than a standard scope. However they a can be lighter and smaller than many other high end scopes. It is not going to be lighter and smaller than you standard 3x9. But than again when you are looking into range scopes I assume you are not slapping a Wal-Mart special or the cheapest on sale scope at gander mountain on your rifle anyway.
With that said by far the best of the top three is the ZEISS Victory Diarange 2.5-10x50 Y Laser Rangefinding Scope (Rapid Z-600 Reticle/Rapid Z-800 Reticle). Nitrogen filled, fastest reading time, longest battery life, amazing clarity, 10-999 yard range, and excellent low light optics. It is awesome. Oh yeah, and it is lighter than over half the scopes on the market. However, you get what you pay for and the $4000 price tag is steep!!
So for the money, the next best is the Burris ELIMINATOR™ LASERSCOPE Riflescope. It is a little bulkier than other scopes but worth it. It has vivid, bright, and crystal clear optics than beats most conventional scopes. It is 13" long so you compare it to others and check sizes. It also mounts closer to the gun than any other scope I have seen. The laser accuracy is +/- 1 yard which is pretty drang good (Zeiss is +/- .5 yards). The range is 25 to 800 yards but on an actual animal is it inky good to about 500 or 550. There are lots of prices out there but you should not be paying more than $900 for it.
ThevNIKON M-223 2.5-10x40 Riflescope Laser IRT is a very close third and you would be happy with it. It looks the most like a traditional scope if that matters to you. I just liked the Burris better.
Hope that helps