Well-Known Member
First sorry if I offend anyone. Ok what are the differences between the many different models? Lets narrow it down to Sps, cdl, bdl, adl. And let's just assume these are all 2012 models. Well do they even make the bdl any more? It's there more to it then what stock they come with? In the end is a 700 action just that a 700 action? If so why are prices so different? Here's where I hope I don't attend anyone. Seen a 700 bdl in gun section used for $750 with plastic stock? It was stainless but still seemed crazy high to me when I can go and buy a brand new adl with a cheap scope for under $440 and yes that's blued price. Is there any difference in the action l, assuming both have x mark trigger? Or is there a trigger difference I these lowers line models? I see barreled actions selling for $450+? Now these are older 700's but what makes them better?