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Reloading Tool & Accessory Tool box


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
I'm in the market for another reloading tools & accessory tool box which I would like to be portable and store caliper, primers, bullets, dies, loading blocks, etc. etc. and was wondering what do you guys use and do you like it...pics would be nice.

I'm considering the Grizzly 20" Maple 6 Draw Chest see link...always wanted a wooden tool chest...What do you think...anyone ever owned one...any good.

H7720 20" Maple 6 Drawer Chest
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I was contemplating the same things this evening while reloading. We all reload at my dads who has a ton of stuff for a ton of stuff but we all have a drawer of our personal tools and supplies but mine is about to run over.
I really like the wooden machinist boxes but I don't know if you'd have enough room for powder, maybe, powder and primer in the same space makes me nervous.
I was thinking this one, I kinda like the lift and lock front.
H7936 18 Drawer Oak Cabinet
Bigngreen, I liked that one too then I saw it weighed 45 pounds and then with it loaded it's probably going to weigh 60 pounds and I ain't as young as I once used to be. As far as powder I won't be storing it in the tool box or anywhere near it. I think it's neat that you get together with your Dad to reload...cherish those times and build the memories. Thanks for responding, I appreciate it.
I was looking at the Grizzly oak drawer sets as well. I was looking for a way to organize dies sets etc on my bench. i hate stacking the plastic boxes. Not to hijack the thread but if anyone has found a good way to store all th edie boxes for easy access, I would like to know that as well. All teh drawer systems seem to be just shy or shallow depth wise for the die containers...
Aldon, too many dies that's a good problem to have, that means you reload for multiple rifles and you can never have too many of those.:)
I'm in the market for another reloading tools & accessory tool box which I would like to be portable and store caliper, primers, bullets, dies, loading blocks, etc. etc. and was wondering what do you guys use and do you like it...pics would be nice.

I'm considering the Grizzly 20" Maple 6 Draw Chest see link...always wanted a wooden tool chest...What do you think...anyone ever owned one...any good.

H7720 20" Maple 6 Drawer Chest

I have a couple good buddies that run a cabinet shop in California and if I need any kind of wood chest I have them build it to my specs. Now they cut me a pretty good deal usually just the cost of material as I used to use them for cabinets and send business there way when I can.

My point is any good cabinet shop can build anything you want but you're going to pay top dollar for it but these kinds of things last a lifetime and will be better than most production boxes out there. I think having what you want would be worth a few bucks.
Aldon, too many dies that's a good problem to have, that means you reload for multiple rifles and you can never have too many of those.:)

Chas1 you are correct.

I enjoy shooting and get bored easily so collecting diffent calibers is becoming an expensive but enjoyable hobby. I hunt but not very much, I enjoy paper shooting quite a bit.

So far I have avoided getting caught up in bench rest shooting which might just push the wife's tolerance a bit too far. Serious money in that. LOL
kcebcj, your right custom does get expensive. I looked at the Gerstner wood tool chest...the smallest one and it list for $500.
kcebcj, your right custom does get expensive. I looked at the Gerstner wood tool chest...the smallest one and it list for $500.

The housing market nationwide is terrible. As a retired General Contractor I can say, you can get a lot for very little when the market is like it is. All I'm saying is if where you're at there are custom cabinet shops in the area it would be worth a walk in. You just never know especially if what you want is a little different. Good luck.
Well I decided not to go with the 20" maple drawer chest...none in stock until possibly April. Probably just as well as I was able to find out the maple is a face veneer over what they call a stable center core...ummm sounds like it could be press board. In any event I went with the H0837 3 Drawer Middle Chest w/ Ball Bearing Slides see attached 3rd row down middle:

Grizzly.com -- Product Categories

I want to thank everyone for their input, I appreciate it.
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