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Reloading information on a 26 nosler

Rl33 here....75gr....3200fps....shoots well....
Would like to try that fairy dust....you know....
rl26....has to work in a 26....its like made for each other.....
RL33, rl50, n570 remember get that case fill at or above 90%

A friend of mine did single load ladder yesterday for pressure with 150 smk @ .010" off started at 79 and went up... it did exceptionally well lets just that!!!
Thank you there is not much good info yet this is a browning xbolt that belongs to a customer he has been trying us869 in 100°heat not a good combo
RL33, rl50, n570 remember get that case fill at or above 90%

A friend of mine did single load ladder yesterday for pressure with 150 smk @ .010" off started at 79 and went up... it did exceptionally well lets just that!!!
Nosler techs encourage use of US 869 and I have had good luck with it + 140s. BUT I am really glad to read Gunnitts success with sweet Retumbo.
Nosler techs encourage use of US 869 and I have had good luck with it + 140s. BUT I am really glad to read Gunnitts success with sweet Retumbo.
Retumbo is not sweet. She is a bitter bitter crazy lady. I had a hunting load, that shot great in the winter. Tested it in the summer, and it stuck the bolt, and nearly punctured the primer.
Overkill - sorry to hear that. I have built loads for various rifles with Retumbo in the summer heat and hunted in the fall with great results but with 300 Rum. Never have tried it yet in N26.
I never could get the 140s to shoot what I wanted out of mine. Ended up with the 160 matrix bullet and 50BMG powder. May wanna check out the new 156 Berger it should do well out of the 26 and I hear it will be out soon.
20N29, RL 33 or N570. Ive used the first two in my 26 with good success with 142 ABLRs. Be trying those along with 570 later this summer when the 156s show up.
Us869, rl33, rl50, h50bmg, 7977, 8133.. Think slow, really slow powders. Us869 gave the best speeds with 140/142's in my rifle.
The 26 can be fairly hard on the bullet, my 26 never lived up to its full potential with the soft cup and core bullets. I would get strange fliers and had a couple berger vld-h not get to the paper. The berger target versions seemed ok.
I swapped to mono bullets and more consistency in the groups.
I settled on 80gr rl33 under a 127lrx.
80 grains RL 33 with 127 lrx was also a really good load for me and double lunged a doe last year at 811 and the bullet performed well. Complete pass through and solid blood trail until deer was recovered just off the high line.
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