26 Nosler????? !!!!!

Is your barrel cut or button rifled? Also, are you using US869 or RL33 ?
Sorry for the interrogation.

Cut rifled. And a couple pounds of 869 have gone down the barrel, along with the better part of a pound of 50bmg, about 60 rounds worth of 7977, a couple retumbo. And a pound of rl33. After playing around I decided to settle on the 127lrx and rl33, and move my tinkering on to another rifle.
Curious as to why you are liking the lighter 127gr and rl33....
What was your fps and powder charge weight....please...
I shoot alot of rl17 in a 260remington and 25/06...and working up loads in a 7mmwsm...
I am curious if rl33 shoots similar to rl17....cleaner and faster than it's powders of similar burn rate...
Reloader 33 is from Sweden (Bufors) and is the same formula as Reloader 25, 22, (not 26) 19, (not 17) and 15.

Reloader 17 is from Switzerland (Nitrocheme) and is more modern. It produces more velocity with the same peak pressure. Reloader 26 is also Nitrocheme. Learn to look at the country of origin on the label.

I have worn out .264 Win Mag, 6.5X284 and 6.5 WSM barrels. Melonite nitrocarburizing makes a difference, it will double (at least) the life of any 26 barrel. It also reduces bore drag and makes the first shot go where the rest will follow.

I also have not shot naked bullets for a decade. Coated bullets extend barrel life. I use HBN but all coatings are good. Some are better than others. MOLY -- Does It Extend Barrel Life?
Great info on the powders....thanks..
Would the barrel coatings have to be put on before wear is put on the barrel or would a little wear on the barrel make the costing very viable after say 500 sounds of so....would this extend the life of the broken in barrel even further.....just curious...
Reloader 33 is from Sweden (Bufors) and is the same formula as Reloader 25, 22, (not 26) 19, (not 17) and 15.

Reloader 17 is from Switzerland (Nitrocheme) and is more modern. It produces more velocity with the same peak pressure. Reloader 26 is also Nitrocheme. Learn to look at the country of origin on the label.

I have worn out .264 Win Mag, 6.5X284 and 6.5 WSM barrels. Melonite nitrocarburizing makes a difference, it will double (at least) the life of any 26 barrel. It also reduces bore drag and makes the first shot go where the rest will follow.

I also have not shot naked bullets for a decade. Coated bullets extend barrel life. I use HBN but all coatings are good. Some are better than others. MOLY -- Does It Extend Barrel Life?

Was your 264wm melonited ?? What was your round count when you laid it to rest?
Great info on the powders....thanks..
Would the barrel coatings have to be put on before wear is put on the barrel or would a little wear on the barrel make the costing very viable after say 500 sounds of so....would this extend the life of the broken in barrel even further.....just curious...

Most guys shoot a few rounds ( normal break-in procedure) then have it melonited..
I have worn out a 6.5x284 and a 6.5 WSM that were nitrocarburized. I have a 6.5 WSM and 6.5 - 06 Ackley that are in use. My .264 Winchesters, one stainless and one CM, factory barrels lasted maybe 600 rounds tops.

I now shoot a lot of reduced loads with Accurate 5744, magnum primers and coated 100 to 120 gr bullets. They provide fun practice at modest ranges shooting from field positions at clay pigeons at about 2800 fps.

You are mistaken about RL-33.

Your comment:

"Reloader 33 is from Sweden (Bufors) and is the same formula as Reloader 25, 22, (not 26) 19, (not 17) and 15."

From article from Accurate shooter:

"Now Alliant is introducing a new powder, Reloder 33, that uses the same kernel-impregnation technology first pioneered in Reloder 17. Alliant Reloder 33 is a new powder created by Rheinmetall Nitrochemie in Switzerland (Nitrochemie also makes Reloder 17). Like Reloder 17, Alliant's new Reloder 33 powder employs a proprietary process by which the powder kernels are impregnated with burn-rate controlling elements."

SHOT Show: New Reloder 33 and Power Pro 1000 from Alliant « Daily Bulletin

You are mistaken about RL-33.

Your comment:

"Reloader 33 is from Sweden (Bufors) and is the same formula as Reloader 25, 22, (not 26) 19, (not 17) and 15."
I noticed that last night too. I had to look at one of my rl33 bottles to see where it was made. It is from Switzerland.

From article from Accurate shooter:

"Now Alliant is introducing a new powder, Reloder 33, that uses the same kernel-impregnation technology first pioneered in Reloder 17. Alliant Reloder 33 is a new powder created by Rheinmetall Nitrochemie in Switzerland (Nitrochemie also makes Reloder 17). Like Reloder 17, Alliant's new Reloder 33 powder employs a proprietary process by which the powder kernels are impregnated with burn-rate controlling elements."

SHOT Show: New Reloder 33 and Power Pro 1000 from Alliant « Daily Bulletin
I noticed that too. I had to look ot one of my rl33 bottles, it is from Switzerland.
I stand corrected.

On my trip to the range this month. I saw a shooter with a 7mm STW (nitrocarburized barrel and coated bullets) produce some amazingly consistent velocities with Berger 168 gr VLD bullets and Reloader 33. He was shooting at 3260 fps from a 26 inch barrel and the consecutive velocities I saw varied by two or three fps. I do not know another powder that could do as well.
Curious as to why you are liking the lighter 127gr and rl33....
What was your fps and powder charge weight....please...
I shoot alot of rl17 in a 260remington and 25/06...and working up loads in a 7mmwsm...
I am curious if rl33 shoots similar to rl17....cleaner and faster than it's powders of similar burn rate...

I am getting the most consistent accuracy from that combo, 80gr rl33 .07" off the lands, fed 215m primer. I shot both weights of lrab, berger 140 vld and hybrids, 140 hornady sst, hpbt match, amax, 140 accubonds, 120ttsx. The 127 lrx outshot them all in this barrel.
The thing that I see in the 6.5's is there is not enough bc difference between the heavies, around .61g1 bc and the moderate weights- .5ish g1 bc to make up for the velocity spread. I can drive the 127 to 3550, but a berger vld only 3275 before running into pressure signs. It different in say 338- moderate weight bullets in the .5bc range with a few of the heavies around the .8bc, the bc will more than make up the speed difference.
I also shot most of those bullets into my test box - shredded loose leaf paper soaked in a rubbermade tubby. Even at 200 yards the bergers basically turned to shrapnel in the first 3" with no penetration past the 6" mark. Once out to 500 they worked as expected. The bonded or copper bullets performed, the lrab expanded right to the base at 100 yards, but stayed in one piece. The sst/amax were very similar to the vld's - basically schrapnel with very little penetration. As this is a hunting rifle, and for its purpose I won't be carrying two loads, the Barnes was the smart choice. Although I did shoot an elk with the 140 accubond last fall and it worked very well.
I am getting the most consistent accuracy from that combo, 80gr rl33 .07" off the lands, fed 215m primer. I shot both weights of lrab, berger 140 vld and hybrids, 140 hornady sst, hpbt match, amax, 140 accubonds, 120ttsx. The 127 lrx outshot them all in this barrel.
The thing that I see in the 6.5's is there is not enough bc difference between the heavies, around .61g1 bc and the moderate weights- .5ish g1 bc to make up for the velocity spread. I can drive the 127 to 3550, but a berger vld only 3275 before running into pressure signs. It different in say 338- moderate weight bullets in the .5bc range with a few of the heavies around the .8bc, the bc will more than make up the speed difference.
I also shot most of those bullets into my test box - shredded loose leaf paper soaked in a rubbermade tubby. Even at 200 yards the bergers basically turned to shrapnel in the first 3" with no penetration past the 6" mark. Once out to 500 they worked as expected. The bonded or copper bullets performed, the lrab expanded right to the base at 100 yards, but stayed in one piece. The sst/amax were very similar to the vld's - basically schrapnel with very little penetration. As this is a hunting rifle, and for its purpose I won't be carrying two loads, the Barnes was the smart choice. Although I did shoot an elk with the 140 accubond last fall and it worked very well.

My experience with Berger has been different with complete penetration/pass through as shown on this hog shot inside 150 yards! I intentionally shot through both shoulders with 140 HVLD at 3380fps to check expansion and was pleased with the results! Yes, the inside was total mush, but still had good exit hole....hog never took a step, a breath, or moved a muscle.....DRT! Since building this rifle last year and working up a couple of loads for it, I've only shot a handful of animals with it, but the results have all been the same!


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