Doc, just read your response as I was finishing up the below post. Not sure I follow that azimuth does not effect horizontal coriolis. a shot due east/west would have zero horizontal Coriolis drift... but I'll read your post in more detail...
So I think that most of us do not take the time to really understand Coriolis since in the real world it has a small effect on shooting solution (this includes myself). Over the past several months I have been able to dial in my 338 RUM shooting the 300 Elite Hunter so well that I am seeing these small differences at the distances I am shooting. So I took the time to fully understand what was going on. The more I read shooting articles the more confused I became, it just didn't add up with the way other shooters were explaining Coriolis, at least not in my own mind.
Once I understood what was going on, it was like a lightbulb went off, and that is when I started looking at ballistics solvers because I really do think they are missing the ball on horizontal Coriolis on anything but flat shots.
Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis was the guy who first documented the effect in 1835 and is why we call this phenomenon the Coriolis Force. But most articles discuss how this force effects weather patterns. So I finally just started drawing diagrams on my white board to figure it out for shooting. And it is so simple.
In my mind I have broken it down to the very basics and have been explaining it with the following analogy to other people, and it has been working well to get the point across. Let's continue to use the due-north shot for simplicity:
When you shoot a bullet, the bullet is also traveling eastbound with the surface of the earth. It's like driving down the freeway eastbound at 60 mph and throwing a rock sideways out the left window. The rock travels out the window and flies across the other lanes of the freeway but it is also moving in the direction of the car at 60mph. If you throw the rock at a guy driving next to you, the rock hits the guy if he is also traveling at 60 mph. But if the guy next to you is driving slower than you, the rock is going to fly out in front of him … you miss the guy to the right (shooting north). Now if another guy is driving on your right side, and he is driving faster than you are, the rock you throw at him is going to fly behind him… you also miss to the right (shooting south).
The only way you hit any guy driving near you is if he is driving the same speed as you… or if you adjust your point of aim appropriately. Now pay attention to the first part… you do NOT adjust your point of aim if your target is traveling at the same speed as you.
Now back to the spinning earth and shooting. When you shoot north, you are shooting from a position of the earth that has a particular velocity, and the target you are shooting to is closer to the spin axis of the earth, therefore it must be moving slower than you are. You let loose the bullet, and it remains to travel eastward at the velocity of the shooter, but the target is moving slower. So the bullet impacts right.
Flip around and shoot south… you are shooting to a target which is sitting on the earth that is further away from the spin axis of the earth, so the target is moving faster in the eastward direction than the bullet from where it was fired… so you also impact to the right.
These are just the basic physical principals of the horizontal component of the Coriolis Effect on a bullet.
Now… all of this is implying a perfectly flat shot with zero inclination/declination. I happen to hunt in a location where a very steep long range shot is possible. That location is about 40 degrees Latitude. Let's say I take that 1200 yard shot that is aiming to the top of a huge rim, and my inclination is also 40 degrees. With that singular shot scenario, I am shooting to a target that is at the same exact distance away from the spin axis of the earth as I am shooting from. Therefore they both are moving at the same exact speed, and I do NOT adjust my point of aim. The horizontal Coriolis effect on a bullet is zero when both the shooter and the target are moving at the same speed.
Does this make sense? I've been wrong before, and I could be wrong here, so I'm all ears if you or anybody else can prove otherwise. But I think I'm right and I also think that ballistics solvers are leaving out a key variable when it comes to the horizontal component of the Coriolis calculation. I agree that this does not have an impact on the vertical component of Coriolis… (and think about that ... there is no horizontal coriolis in a east/west shot because of the very fact that the targets have the same initial velocity!)
The scenario where your shooting inclination matches your shooting latitude is the easiest to see if any particular ballistics solver gets this right. I currently have not found a solver that does this, but I also do not own Applied Ballistics… because the focus and strength of this app is to provide the most accurate shooting solution, I would think it would be my best bet. If it does not currently do this, it could be added fairly easily with an update to the software. I could even help write the script to include inclination/declination correctly into the app.