Question about dies???


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2009
Micrometer or non-mic dies for use with berger bullets? I'm wanting to improve the quality and consistency of my reloads. Welcome all suggestions (and reasons why). What are the people that compete using?
Never heard of a bullet specific seater die..
But micrometer adjustments do allow easy creeping into desired depths.
My seaters all have micrometer adjustment (Wilson or Redding Comp).

I have needed to lap stems for VLDs, better check that.
I really like the competition seating dies from both Redding and Forster. They come with or without the micrometer adjustment and seat bullets the same, but the mic adjustment does make it quite a bit easier changing seating depths.

The comp dies have a sliding sleave that the case is raised and secured into first. After this, the sleeve and case are raised further, as one unit, seating the bullet. It's believed that this system keeps everything in much better alignment as the bullet is being seated. I have two Redding Mic's, and one Forster Mic. Both are good systems.
They're a major convenience when resetting depths for seating, but the main advantage to these types of dies is in the sliding sleeve that supports the case during the process, not the micrometer itself. They do help to reduce run out and are a staple for most of us who shoot competitively.

As someone has already mentioned, with some bullets the seater plug may need some modification to keep the bullets from being marked or distorted. This applies mostly to very long ogive VLD type bullets. You'd probably never see this if you stick to more conventional 7-9 caliber ogive designs, but where's the fun in that?

Yeah, they're worth it.

Kevin Thomas
Lapua USA
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