Ouestion about turnning down a barrel


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2010
Two questions. Is it possible to turn down a barrel that is already flutted to a smaller diameter? Or would it be possible to turn the barrel down and have it wrapped in carbon fiber? The gun shoots so well I dont want to get rid of the barrel but would like to lighten it up some how.
Thanks for the advice,
Pete, it is possible and I have had it done. Then tossed the barrel in the trash due to the fact we released stress monsters that were inside. There is a whole can of worms than can be opened by turning down or even fluting an already final lapped and stress relieved barrel. I have seen it work, but also seen it fail. So I guess the risk is, if it goes the wrong way you can always rebarrel with the contour you want.

Thanks Jeff that is what I was affraid off. Guess I will have to suck it up and not be a big wimp.
I think your right I just hadn't planed on a 16.8 lbs coyote rifle. But hey It works awesome so I had better leave it
Thanks again Jeff
Later Pete
Turning down a fluted barrel is a chore because of the interrupted cut and the possibilities
of ruining the barrel all together, so I dont recomend it.

I have turned down unfluted barrels and they seemed to shoot better because of straightness.
(Most barrels come from the barrel maker with some runout and if done properly they will have

If the rifle shoots well there are other ways to lighten the rifle. A good carbon fiber stock and a
light weight scope. (Some scopes weigh over 4 pounds) so a good scope that weighs less than 2 pounds and a good lightweight stock can remove 3 to 4 pounds without sacrificing accuracy.

Turning down a fluted barrel is a chore because of the interrupted cut and the possibilities
of ruining the barrel all together, so I dont recomend it.

I have turned down unfluted barrels and they seemed to shoot better because of straightness.
(Most barrels come from the barrel maker with some runout and if done properly they will have

If the rifle shoots well there are other ways to lighten the rifle. A good carbon fiber stock and a
light weight scope. (Some scopes weigh over 4 pounds) so a good scope that weighs less than 2 pounds and a good lightweight stock can remove 3 to 4 pounds without sacrificing accuracy.

J E-

Maybe you could answer this (or anyone else) I was wondering if it is possible to continue the threads on a Rem factory barrel out as far as the contour would allow (maybe 5" total). Then re head-space with a barrel nut.
My thoughts were building a barrel blocked gun and I have the factory barrel I pulled off of it already. If that is possible I would not have to re-chamber and do all the shank work again.
Or would this, "release the stress monsters"? Any thoughts?

If the barrel does not have many shots down the tube you might be able to sell it and buy one with the contour you really want.

Of course if you turn it down or buy a new barrel there will be a large gap under the barrel so then you will want a new stock too :)

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