? on savage 110


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2007
a savage rifle has a lock nut so head spasce is adjustable right if so does it ever come loose? If I got this right if you were going to buy a rifle to hunt and play with wouldnt have to adjust head space after time and make it cheaper and easyer to replace the barrle it just sounds mutch better sys. I gess it is the mechainc in me
If it is installed snug it won't come loose. If you are trying to get a factory installed nut, be prepared for a bit of a battle. The gorrilla at the Savage and Stevens factory takes pride in his work. After you break it loose it doesn't need to be installed very tight. Hand tight works for me. I've never had one come loose.

Be warned barrel swapping can and will become addicting. I have two Savage actions, both long action. One is for my magnum barrels and one for my standard size barrels(I don't shoot 223 sized). My collection of barrels include 22-250, 220 Swift, 308, 30-06, 300win, 7RM, 284win, 300wsm, and a 338 barrel that I looking for a reamer. Probably make that one a 338fed or 338wsm.

It only takes about 5 minutes to swap a Savage barrel. Here's the basics.

Put action in action wrench.
Put nut wrench on nut.
Break loose barrel nut.
Screw off barrel.
Screw on new barrel.
Put go-gauge or fired/sized brass in action.
Tighten barrel
Tighten nut.
Check with no-go-gauge or brass with tape.
If its good, your done.
If not, re-adjust barrel until done.

That's it. I could have done two barrel swaps in the time it took me to type this.

If you only want one Savage action, you can also swap bolt heads. It takes less time than swapping barrels.

Here's the lowdown on swapping bolt heads.
Remove bolt from action.
Remove Bolt Assembly Screw(installed by same gorrilla at factory).
Remove firing pin.
Remove bolt head retaining pin.
Remove bolt head.
Re-assemble in reverse order.
Check firing pin protrusion.
Get the BAS on tight. I have had one of these come loose.

Both can be done in about 5 minutes.

Be careful. Check your work often. Watch for signs of addiction.

Realizing you have a problem is the first step...I'm not addicted. I can stop anytime...Anybody have a 338 reamer?:D
that is kind of what I thought didnt know about bolt tho so why would some one get a rem 700 I got a old 721 an want to rebarrle lightbulb why not get a 110 so I can play WHO says I ant addicted all ready just looking for a new season I mean reason lol gun)O does any one want to buy a old harley a 1977

There aint nuthin wrong with the other factory guns that a good smith cant fix but even a poor old farm boy can afford and fix a Savage/Stevens... even if it dont need it????
I'm not a Savage addict..............Well.......... OK I'm a cheap addict
I aint bought a Savage, a Stevens, barrel, action or a stock for one in three months. 20MOA EGW bases don't count do they

I actualy have one Savage I aint laid a wrench to...Yet, as soon as the barrel burns out I got another barrel sittin here waiting to get screwed on though.
Ya I know you can swap out the bolts and magazines but I prefer to have an action set up for every case head and length and just swap out barrels when the notion strikes me.
Some says Savages is fugly but they is as purdy as a Cooper to me


They blend in when they need to.


And just plain get-r-done when its needed. Got this buck 620 yards across the canyon with the trusty old 6.5-284...Quite a shot considering how small he was:)

nice shot my long hair keeps me warm up here in MN but cant grow beard to mutch swed. and norwegen in me I found a 110 for $350.00 with scope that is a ok price atn it I see U are a fan of the spray can to U ride to
That's an ok price. My Walmart has them for $377.

If I weren't a lefty. I'd get a Stevens 200. Same exact rifle as a Savage. Most places around here have them for $250. Put the extra $100 toward better bases, rings, and glass.
$350 aint bad if its set up usable for ya, depends on the scope and mounts too. I look at a Savage as parts....if it has parts I like and can use than I may pay a little more than action price($250 or less). Also depends on calibar and what I intend to do with it. If for instance its an FV that shoots good with cheap scope and mounts then the price is iffy @ $350 cause all I'm gonna salvage from it is the action and barrel.

Must be the Swed cause my lineage goes back to Eric the Red:D Spent most of my life within a stones throw of I90 in Mn. If you mean bikes I sold 2 Harleys when my Daughter was born 15 years ago and have not gotten them replaced........ YET.
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