Not a long range question about the AMAX

My 7 mag w/162 gr Amax was blowning holes thru 5 inch diameter yellow southern pines at 830 yds. I think the density of a pine is greater than that of an elk shoulder:)
My 7 mag w/162 gr Amax was blowning holes thru 5 inch diameter yellow southern pines at 830 yds. I think the density of a pine is greater than that of an elk shoulder:)

That's exactly why you want to try to hit the shoulder when the velocity is down. In fairness though, a tree, (wood) will tend to hold a bullet together even if it has a thinner skin! I think it is because the bullet can't exert enough outward force to allow it to expand as it would in softer tissue. I have shot some pretty flimsy jacketed bullets through "a lot" of wood at high and low velocity. If the bullet remains in the wood, it will almost always be quite intact even though the same bullet would explode in water, for example. Try a Berger, in both cases, at high velocity and see what happens:)
Yes, or better yet, in the shoulder at that velocity. The bullet will penetrate the shoulder better at that velocitythan it might at 3000, and the greater resistance will cause expansion better than the ribcage.....Rich
Thanks again Rich, for your kind and prompt advice.
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