Nosler/Winchester 140gr Failsafe


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
Tucson, Arizona
So I have a box of 140gr Fail Safe bullets in 7mm that I can shoot out of my 7mm-08 or 7mm Rem Mag, question is what are these bullets good for? Cant find much info on them

Thanks in advance for your input.
They where made in two different weights per Caliber sometimes three like 30 cal , in .284 ,140 &160 weights , it's aPremium bullet for sure meant to be used on tough game animals , if used on antelope it wouldn't work as it should , but who listens to the bullet mfg anyways ,people think their smarter , oh well you get my drift ,load em up they'll work in eather of your 7mm Carthridges ,cheers !,ps the slow death is bunk , poor shooting , or bumped or droped rifles cause the above , practice make us all better Riflemen & Riflewomen thks .
That's an excellent bullet that can take anything up to elk and some may say, black bear, as it is a very tough design with a hp copper front and the rest of the base is solid. Comparable to the Trophy bonded bear claw, I think the Fail safe is better than the new trophy bonded tipped.
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Thank you, I appreciate the input. I agree with you on shot placement, the person behind the rifle that is trained and prepared with a properly equipped rifle for the task at hand.
That's an excellent bullet that can take anything up to elk and some may say, black bear, as it is a very tough design with a small core up front and the rest of the base is solid. Comparable to the Trophy bonded bear claw, I think the Fail safe is better than the new trophy bonded tipped.

Thanks COGuy, provably be best to go for shoulder shots to ensure proper expansion.
Hit bone with them and you won't have a problem.
I used them in my 300 mags, penetration, even after hitting LARGE bones was very impressive.
They were only discontinued after several lawsuits against Winchester due to accidental deaths.

Hit bone with them and you won't have a problem.
I used them in my 300 mags, penetration, even after hitting LARGE bones was very impressive.
They were only discontinued after several lawsuits against Winchester due to accidental deaths.


Thanks MagnumManiac, appreciate the input. I'm curious how or what these accidental deaths had to do with this bullet.
I have loaded the 160 gr in my abolt since they came out . They have killed everything I have shot from coyotes to moose in Newfoundland and deer in PA to Wyoming. Also a bison in S Dakota. When they were discontinued I bought all I could find.
Thanks for the info guys... I picked up a bunch of Winchester FailSafe 7mm/150gr ammo that came with a larger 7mmRemMag estate buy. I'd never seen it before, but never had the time to sit down and research it. Looks like I ended up with some nice stuff.
Have been shooting 230 FS in 330 Dakota for over 30 yrs; it's the only bullet I load for that rifle due to accuracy...MOA. Performance on elk/moose/buffalo/bear has been excellent, though I have shot a couple of deer...have only ever recovered one bullet. Have used on multiple Africa trips taking dozens of animals with same result, excellent one shot results to include finishing wounded buf. This was Don Allen's, Dakota Rifles, favorite 330 bullet with which he took several buff. Way more bullet than most North American game need. .338 230 gr FS shoot great in my rifle and perform exception well, so I use them.
It was a favorite bullet of Ross Seyfried. He wrote many good things about them.
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