New to forum... Already need help with base choice for new rifle and scope...


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2020
Eastern North Carolina
Hello all !!! New here, so if this post is in the wrong place, please excuse me. Just purchased a Savage 110 High Country in 6.5 Creedmoor... I also have a Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5x25-50 on order with the Vortex pro rings (PRN 30),,, The gentleman at Euro Optics had no bases or advice for the correct bases ... This Savage , unlike the tactical 110 , doesn't have a picatinny rail from the factory... So I have to get bases OR a picatinny rail for it... I would prefer a two piece base to keep the weight down of an already heavier rifle. I know Weaver makes a two piece base, just not sure which would be the correct as there are many slightly different 110 savages available.. Can anyone please advise as to what would be the correct base/bases for this rifle and if I should go with a one or two piece base .... Thank you in advance...
Hello all !!! New here, so if this post is in the wrong place, please excuse me. Just purchased a Savage 110 High Country in 6.5 Creedmoor... I also have a Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5x25-50 on order with the Vortex pro rings (PRN 30),,, The gentleman at Euro Optics had no bases or advice for the correct bases ... This Savage , unlike the tactical 110 , doesn't have a picatinny rail from the factory... So I have to get bases OR a picatinny rail for it... I would prefer a two piece base to keep the weight down of an already heavier rifle. I know Weaver makes a two piece base, just not sure which would be the correct as there are many slightly different 110 savages available.. Can anyone please advise as to what would be the correct base/bases for this rifle and if I should go with a one or two piece base .... Thank you in advance...
Welcome to LRH and enjoy it!

Another vote for a picatinny rail. Try EGW's offerings
Welcome to the forum! Always great to meet another ‘Savage Guru’! Rock-Solid advice mentioned above. I see that you’ve already purchased rings, but I’ll still offer this suggestion for your future reference/builds. I’ve used them on a couple Savage builds (as well as pic rails) and have been very pleased with them. Good luck and Have Fun!

If you really want a two piece base the Talley Lightweight rings that @Deputy819 linked is the route I would go. I’ve run them on a few of my rifles as well as installed them for a few people.

Otherwise the one piece base would be my go to as well.
Hello all !!! New here, so if this post is in the wrong place, please excuse me. Just purchased a Savage 110 High Country in 6.5 Creedmoor... I also have a Vortex Viper PST Gen II 5x25-50 on order with the Vortex pro rings (PRN 30),,, The gentleman at Euro Optics had no bases or advice for the correct bases ... This Savage , unlike the tactical 110 , doesn't have a picatinny rail from the factory... So I have to get bases OR a picatinny rail for it... I would prefer a two piece base to keep the weight down of an already heavier rifle. I know Weaver makes a two piece base, just not sure which would be the correct as there are many slightly different 110 savages available.. Can anyone please advise as to what would be the correct base/bases for this rifle and if I should go with a one or two piece base .... Thank you in advance...
Welcome aboard.
I really love my Murphey precision titanium rail with nightforce rings. All of my rifles will be wearing this combo in the next year
You wouldn’t be able to use the weaver two piece mounts unless you find some in picatanny form. Picatanny rings won’t fit in weaver slots so just keep that in mind too!
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