Need .264 Win Mag Help

I have found H-1000 to be a bit on the fast burning side for the 264 except for the 100gr bullet. If deer is your only game the Barnes 100gr TTSx or the Nosler100gr Part. has givenme excellent performance out to 500 yd on the range. Never shot game that far with them but fir sure got there right now.
I'll be shooting 121 Hammer Hunters.
I'll be shooting 121 Hammer Hunters.
If it helps I have been shooting Rel 33 for years. Never the slightest problem. For 120 gr ( I also have been shooting the 121 gr Hammer ) to 130 I like Rel33. For 130 & above I prefer VV24N41 , a slower burning powder. Late yesterday , early evening ( stayed light to at least 8pm ) my temp here was 95. Just so I could confirm to you, I fired two shots across a gully here on the property. My Leupold range finder says it is 420 yds. I was able to smack my target dead on, no problem. Easy extraction of brass case as always. Did not chronograph as my chrono with most of my reloading gear is still un packed from my move. But performance was perfect. Just as an added note I have been loading powders like H-4831, & IMR-4350 ( temp un-stabilized powder ) since in the early 1960's. Temp's have ranged from below zero to over 100dg. Has always worked with never a problem. So called un-stablized powder has worked for decades, & it still does. Perhaps it might make a difference for pure target competition. Just be sure you don't exceed safe max pressures in your rifle.
If it helps I have been shooting Rel 33 for years. Never the slightest problem. For 120 gr ( I also have been shooting the 121 gr Hammer ) to 130 I like Rel33. For 130 & above I prefer VV24N41 , a slower burning powder. Late yesterday , early evening ( stayed light to at least 8pm ) my temp here was 95. Just so I could confirm to you, I fired two shots across a gully here on the property. My Leupold range finder says it is 420 yds. I was able to smack my target dead on, no problem. Easy extraction of brass case as always. Did not chronograph as my chrono with most of my reloading gear is still un packed from my move. But performance was perfect. Just as an added note I have been loading powders like H-4831, & IMR-4350 ( temp un-stabilized powder ) since in the early 1960's. Temp's have ranged from below zero to over 100dg. Has always worked with never a problem. So called un-stablized powder has worked for decades, & it still does. Perhaps it might make a difference for pure target competition. Just be sure you don't exceed safe max pressures in your rifle.
Appreciate the info and your efforts!
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