max scope range


May 25, 2005
plan on going PD hunting and would like opinions on the max usable range for my kimber longmaster 22/250 with my burris 2-12 eurodiamond. thanks for the help.
You are the only one that can set your max range with your set-up Your max will be where you can still hit with a high degrtee of accuracy under the field conditions that you will be shooting in this may very according to location and each individuals ability
The limit for consistant hits w/that 22/250 will be somewhere between 600-700 yds. 500 and under you should be able to kill w/pretty good consistancy.
For many years I used the 22-250 exclusively to take fat PA groundhogs. Quality varmint bullets barely existed back then so I used the Sierra 52 Matchking bullets. Killing groundhogs at 400-500yds was pretty common once I really got to know the rifle (Rem 40X).

P-dogs don't take much to kill, especially with the frangible bullets that are used today. If you can reliably hit a Coke can at distances farther than that, the dogs will be flying.
poorly worded. what i'm really after is what is the max range of the scope of 12x for PDs
Let me explain some more now that I have time.
If I could have had more X's at the time, I would have.
In fact, I nailed a dog @ right @ 700 yards using 9x. The subtension of my scope covered the PD completely. So I dialed the scope so that the top of horizontal crosshair was at the feet ground juncture of the dog and where the vertical crosshair would be on either the right or left edge of the dog depending on the conditions. It was not the ideal, but you can do it. 12x will be easier @ 7 but go out and just see what you can do. IF you have the right load and the gun is shooting good w/decent conditions and some luck who knows how far you might go.
The 12x will be usefull farther than the 22-250!!Never used that glass or reticle but my favorite prairie dog scope is the Leupold 12x with fine duplex,it'll GET-R-DONE out to 1000yards in good conditions.
Very seldom do I use more than 16x anymore.Early in the morning or right before sunset I may turn the long range units loose @ 24x but mirage and quality limit the power.
A while back, and on another forum, a hunter asked about whether he would be able to use a 2-7x scope to shoot deer @ 300 yards. Since this was during our deer season I did a test for him and the results may be useful for you too, even though my test was at 7x.

I had a chance to test my scope at 7x yesterday.

From where I sat I could see a power-line tower that according to Google Earth was 408 yards away from my position. There is a Danger No Trespassing sign that measures approximately 18h x 24w inches.

I sat with my back to a tree and had a tall bi-pod attached for hunting.

First, I left the scope on 3x. I could not read the writing, younger eyes may have been able to
With no particular spot to aim, I found that the crosshairs danced around but stayed easily in the kill zone.

Second, I adjusted the scope to 7x. The writing was clear, even for me. I decided that the "D" in Danger looked to be a nice size target, and at 7x I could keep the crosshairs on the "D" without too much trouble.

When I left for the morning I went over to the tower to see the sign. The letter "D" looked to be about 4 inches high and about 3 inches wide.

IMO a 7X scope, assuming a good rest is certainly more than enough scope for hunting.....and if any "letters" get in your way...they are toast

plan on going PD hunting and would like opinions on the max usable range for my kimber longmaster 22/250 with my burris 2-12 eurodiamond. thanks for the help.

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The 12x power is plenty for upwards of 1,000+ yards... and the .22-250 will kill them at that range - PD don't take a lot of killing.

Much will depend on the reticle - I recently bought a Nikon 6.5-20x with the BDC reticle, and it was soooo thick that a whole Prairie dog family could hide behind it.

Sent it back and got a fine xhair.

I have shot PD's at 800+ with a 10x scope.

Your gun and scope can do it - it's up to you.

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