I assume you are saying that the numbers on the displays of the two chronos closely matched. That is very interesting. I would expect that they would not match because there is velocity loss from the end of the barrel to a conventional chrono of about 7 fps (depending on bullet BC and how far down range you put the sky screens) so a conventional chrono should always read slower than a magetospeed which is right on the barrel. And for the reasons I stated above, the magneotospeed should read fast by about the same amount (depending on rifle recoil). Sooooo… when everything is working right the magneto readout should be about 15 fps faster than the conventional chrono. Did you take this correction into account when you say the chronos agreed with each other?
I did correct the Oehler's velocity readout for distance downrange which I believe was about 15'. I added 9 fps. Here's the data, with corrected Oehler velocities.
Oehler....... Magneto .............. Super ...............O>M ........ O>S
3309..............error........ ...........3240 …………………………...….. -69
3322..............3335......... ..........3230 …………….. +13…………. -92
3303..............3315......... ..........3256 …………….. +13…………. -47
3325..............3337......... ..........3259 …………….. +12…………. -67
6 BR
2830..............2829......... ...........2859 …………….. -1………….+29
2833..............2832......... ...........2859 …………….. -1………….+26
2822..............2820......... ...........2839 …………….. -2………….+17
2814..............2810......... ...........2836 …………….. -4………….+22
2824..............2823......... ...........2849 …………….. -1………….+25
284 Win
2843...............2837......... ...........2862…………….. -6………….+19
2851...............2855......... ...........2852 …………….. +4…………+1
2866...............2860......... ...........2878…………….. -6………….+11
2834...............2831......... ...........2845…………….. -3………….+11
2837...............2836......... ...........2865…………….. -1………….+28
338 RUM
3093...............3099......... ............3013…………….. +6………….-80
3109...............3117......... ............3036…………….. +8………….-73
3081...............3092......... ............3013…………….. +11…………-68
3097...............3105......... ............3009…………….. +8…………-88
3103...............3097......... ............3036…………….. -6………….-67