Lymes Disease

Pete Lincoln

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2004
Guys take care with them **** ticks, ive got a bunch of anti-biotics to swallow over the next weeks for Lymes Disease. If a tick bites you keep an eye out for the red ring that may appear around the bite. Try to avoid getting bit. All the info about what to do and what not is available on the web.
Deer ticks are nothing compared to the new kids (ticks) on the block. Last year I picked up loads of Lone Star Ticks. The nymph stage Lone Star is so small that a dozen of them can dance on the back of a nymph Deer Tick. They are nearly impossible to see even with a household magnifying glass.

What you will see is a rash like reaction that itches like crazy. Body searches rarely reveal these tiny little buggers. They can be viewed under the microscope if you're lucky enough to locate one.

I had to sponge bathe DAILY with alcohol (head to toe) and take antibiotics.

Since these ticks are relatively new to Long Island, most hunters have never even heard of them. I have reduced my preseason scouting to ZERO. As much as I love bowhunting my health is more important.

Take care Pete, finish ALL the antibiotic... folks on this side of the pond seem to stop taking the stuff when they feel better rather than completing the entire treatment.
Remember to spray Permethrin on your clothing. It is an insecticide developed by the US Army especially for ticks. Have used it for years, deadly! A three shot vaccine is available for humans too about 75% effective as of three years ago. Don't forget the Deet also.
Thanks Guys, i picked up this little nasty sod in Scotland in May, due to the lack of midges at that time of year i didn't use any insect repellant (i use the Brit Army issue stuff and it keeps about everything at arms length), got a nice red mark where the tick bit and a nice red ring around it, and all the symptoms like aches and pains, head ache, tiredness etc. I regularly get a few ticks hanging on so i guess i was just unlucky with this one.
Dave, Jon Beardsley sends his regards, ive had him out after a piggy the last 2 nights, didn't have any luck at getting one though, say hi to your son for me..
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