lyme disease


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2008
Northern, IN
Well I have been away from here for almost 2 months. I had gotten very sick and been in and out of the hosp and docs office ever since. They now think I probably have lyme disease. It all started where I suddenly felt ill, and shrugged off thinking I had the flu. Well that turned into dissy spells and exaustion. One trip to the ER I was very dissy and had my friend pull over so I could puke, Well I guess I opened truck door and passed out. They put me through cat scans checking for nurlogical problems, heart test, stress test. With no answers, finaly tested possitive for mono after third test, but never felt better. I would honestly be exaughsted from getting off the couch walking 20 feet to restroom and back. Anabiotics haven't done anything for me either. I am acually starting to feel better each day and will be returning to work next Mon. I'm still not supose to drive or anything yet. But its a start. From what I have found out about the disease is no real cure and it can stay dormant for a long time. I don't think I ever had any pre symtoms such as a rash or anything. Also Blood test are worthless, one they gave me has a 30% acuracy result. I have been told that if I really do have the disease there is no cure and its something I could have to deal with for the rest of my life. But now that I'm feeling better I'm ready to get back at my normal life and start burning some powder getting ready for this fall. to hear man...I've always heard different things about LD being treatable vs you remember gettting bit by a tick this spring?
Sorry about your luck! Did your doctor run a blood test specifically for lymes disease? I had a tick bite and caught it in time. This was about 2-3 months ago. It was a deer tick, however, did not carry the disease. I still ran the 21-30 day cycle of Doxycycline. My mom called me yesterday and she had two ticks on her and one did have lymes. It will be an instant bullseye style mark if it is. File:Bullseye Lyme Disease Rash.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. If you can catch it within 24 hours and take the antibiotic, you will be ok. According to everything I have read, your symptoms sounds very similar.

The ticks this year in PA are terrible. I guess that's the downside to not having a hard winter! I have taken two off both of my dogs so far. They were wood ticks. The best of luck to you, feel better!
Both times I was out groundhog hunting this past month I picked at least 30 dog/wood ticks off deer ticks however.
Hey buddy I almost feel your pain. My ranch is a 4000 feet with a creek running near the house. Not many ticks here but down the drainage this time of the year there are always ticks around the creeks. I talked with my doctor about the ticks and he assured me that Lime Disease is rare here but I should check every night and I do. My oldest daughter was thought to have Lyme but I don't think they ever really knew. She's pretty good now but not 100%.

I agree that the mild winters increase the problem but ticks are just a part of life if you live out.
my dad bought some type of tick spray that you put on your clothes and it lasts for 2 months. the night before i went coyote hunting with my friend and his dad i sprayed all my clothes. i didnt have a single tick on me the entire time while my friend and his dad had over ten each.
I actually got this and caught it early on. I developed the large rash (ring). Also had headaches, and stiff neck. Before my wife metioned the rash to me one night when I was getting a shower, I just thought I was getting sick. The stiff neck did elevate into hard to turn neck. As a warning, if you think you've got it, just be safe and get checked out. The copay will be worth the reassurance even if you don't have it.

My area is infested with deer ticks, the Northeast, about an hour and a half from Lyme, CT. The only time you don't have to worry about deer ticks is when there is snow on the ground, raining, or very hot summer days. I take 2-4 deer ticks off my Brittany just about every night in the spring and fall. They fortunately have a vaccine for dogs that appears to work, hopefully will soon have one for people. My buddy's Lab contracted it and was useless as a result. I also have one friend that died, and have three others that have it well embedded in their system and have progressively been demobilized. I have developed the bullseye rash and been treated with the antibiotic four times over the last ten years. The key is to catch it quickly and watch for the bullseye/rash. Also, check for ticks every time you go out and remove them quickly. It usually takes more than a day or two for them to give you the disease. Don't do the traditional match on their ***, pull them out with your fingers, or put anything on them like alcohol to get them out. This will give you an instant injection of what ever is in their gut. I like to use the small plastic pliers available for removing them from dogs. Keep the tick since they can test it. There are two forms of antibiotic treatment, both doxycycline . One is a three week treatment which is very effective if
you catch it early. The other is a two pill, super dose that is 80 or 90% effective. This is used if you pull a deer tick, see no symptoms, and just want to play it safe. The blood test is unreliable so don't count on it. Watch for symptoms after a bite. If in doubt. Take the antibiotic. I have seen people cured several months after the symptoms developed. You can develop an immunity to the drug if you take it too much. Im getting close to having this problem. They don't like to give this drug to very young children unless they absolutely have to since it deters the natural antibiotic development in their system. One Pharmaceutical company introduced a vaccine several years back but it was quickly pulled off the market. It actually gave you the disease. My biggest gripe is with the Pharmaceutical industry. They are sitting on their dead asses on this one. They would rather deal with treatment than prevention......more$$$$. Hopefully, this is changing since the traditional industry has been going downhill, and a new breed of Biotech's are specializing in developing vaccines for diseases like Lyme. The deer tick problem has, and will continue to spread across the country.
I know how you feel, I just got out of the Hospital too. I hope you feel better, get some Tabasco sause, that was the first thing I bought, that Hospital food tastes like a dump. You get your strength up and start walking, thats one of the first things you need to do to recover 100%.

Welcome home.
I can't count the number of ticks I have had on me this last fall and spring. Unfortunatly here in the midwest where everywhere. And since I spend 90% of my free time outdoors, bound to happen I guess. I had a guy tell me he wears flea and tick collars around his ancles and seems to really help.
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