Little Hunt Video


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2016

Put a little video together for a season that fell apart this last summer. My "long range" experience was 230 yards LOL!
Thats why they call it hunting lol meat in the freezer and stories to tell help make up difference.
Didnt draw an elk tag, got the biggest antelope Ive ever shot and ate my deer tag. Still have most of last years deer in freezer so life aint bad
Nice work. I had heart surgery in August last year and was able to bounce back to shoot 3 antelope and a cow elk.

Yup I had big plans for the fall this year and then work happened I ended up in CA from September til January. Instead of hunting deer, antelope and my two annual elk tags the only hunting I did was a real quick trip to shoot two antelope does. Luckily I’ve still got an Aoudad hunt in January.
Man that looks like a lot of fun. My brother and dad all want to go on an elk hunt. Prices are sure high but that’s life. I’m a bit more unsure as my dad went this year to CO and no one in the whole camp saw an elk. That a ton of money to waste. Needless to say the guide did not impress.
Your face says it all when you get it done.
Man that looks like a lot of fun. My brother and dad all want to go on an elk hunt. Prices are sure high but that’s life. I’m a bit more unsure as my dad went this year to CO and no one in the whole camp saw an elk. That a ton of money to waste. Needless to say the guide did not impress.
Your face says it all when you get it done.

CO hunting is getting tough on public lands at least. More and more people are willing to hike in a long ways. One spot I like to hunt is getting to the point that it’s not really worth going in there anymore and it’s a 6 mile hike. Those with private land access can have a good hunt most of the time but many outfitters I know hunting public lands are getting out of there since their clients aren’t seeing elk and even in those remote areas where it used to be just them they are now receiving the public land pressure.
This was private land I believe. They seem to get good reviews from clients but man after checking Facebook and following along more they don’t seem like a great operation. I think they have a nice market for guys who like to think it’s roughing it .
So good on them I’m loling more for at least a chance to bag game. Some people it’s more to get away.
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