Lets see your berger kills!

My first elk taken this past february with my 110 ba in 338 lm with the 300 OTM at 373 yards. The other pic is the exit wound, its turned sideways but you get the idea of what these things do on the way out


  • first elk.JPG
    first elk.JPG
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  • 300 grain berger exit.jpg
    300 grain berger exit.jpg
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I shot this guy in the chest with a 7mm RUM 168 grain VLD during the 2012 Kansas Youth and Disability season. 4 days of driving.......1 hour of hunting.

I just switched to bergers last year.
The elk was taken at 140 yards (spotted him and had him broadside at 990 yards but way too much wind) with a 300 winny using 190 grain vld.
Muley was taken at 257 yards with a 280 Ackley using 168 grain vld. Pretty sold on the vld.



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    All Photos on card reader one 828.jpg
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  • All Photos on card reader one 860.jpg
    All Photos on card reader one 860.jpg
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I shot this guy in the chest with a 7mm RUM 168 grain VLD during the 2012 Kansas Youth and Disability season. 4 days of driving.......1 hour of hunting.

Man I miss Kansas. I was stationed at Ft. Riley for 3yrs. Got out just before the towers got hit. The buck I saw out there were awesome! Good job man.
Great shooting, guys. All of these are good looking trophies.

It's been so dry for me the last few years, Nothing to post a picture of.

We're trying a new area (gmu) this year so I'm hoping things will improve.
350 yards 7wsm 180 vld

498 7wsm 180

250yards 7wsm 168

190vld 80 yards

1380 yards 7wsm 180

505 yards 7wsm 180

650 yards 7wsm 180 vld

905 yards 7wsm 180

220 yards 7wsm 180

50 yards 190vld 300wsm

505 yards 7wsm 180vld

220 yards 7wsm 180 vld
Here's my first shot over 150 yards on a game animal.

577 yards on NYS gun opener with 168 grain Berger. I never shoot 1.5 yro bucks but I set up for a 500+ yard shot and decided to take the first legal deer that presented a good shot. It was a great experience.

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