If your factory rifle will do that consistently you will probably be dissapointed with your custom. Haha
Great shooting!
My first thought exactly! Nice shooting though!
Good shooting!! I am surprised at the lack of damage to what looks to me mild steel plate and at 700 yards. I have shot mild steel with many 7's and see holes go clean through 1/2" steel with a 180 from a 7-300 win. I know the 300 based case has more velocity but I would have at least expected a crater or dent. Not knocking anything just saying what I was thinking. Now tell me this is AR 500 steel and I will be happy.
Good job with a fine shooter, gun)
I would be too. The only thing wrong with this is that it's going to make all but impossible to have another rifle perform as well, much less any better.
If my factory rifle will do this what is my Shoot-Long rifle going to do?